stripe / rainier

Bayesian inference in Scala.
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Incorrect evaluation of gradients? #445

Closed darrenjw closed 4 years ago

darrenjw commented 4 years ago

If my understanding of how gradient evaluation works is correct (and it may not be), I think there may be a bug in the evaluation of gradients (without compilation), apparently leading to switched gradient components in some cases. A minimal reproducible example/test is given below, for the project rainierCore on the current head of the develop branch, though the problem also affects the current release.

import com.stripe.rainier.compute._
val x0 = Real.variable()
val x1 = Real.variable()
val x2 = Real.variable()
val y = ( x0*x1*(x2.sin) + (x0*x1).exp )/x2
val eval = new Evaluator(Map(x0 -> 1.0, x1 -> 2.0, x2 -> math.Pi/2.0))
val egd = // Incorrect - first two elements switched
val cg = Compiler.withGradient("y", y, List(x0, x1, x2))
val cgd = => eval.toDouble(e._2)) // Correct
val ssd = (egd zip cgd).map(p => p._1 - p._2).map(x => x*x).sum
assert(ssd < 0.001)

Both egd and cdg should contain grad y. cgd is correct, but egd has the first two elements switched.

A version of the above with more explanation can be found on the gitter channel (posted 1st January 2020).

avibryant commented 4 years ago

@darrenjw sorry that I missed the discussion in the gitter channel! y.gradient should be correct relative to the ordering in y.variables. That ordering is non-deterministic. In the withGradient case you're providing a specific ordering of the variables, which it is respecting.

Does that help?

darrenjw commented 4 years ago

OK, I see - I missed ".variables". That does make sense. Thanks!