stripe / stripe-cli

A command-line tool for Stripe
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Cannot add "trial_period_days" to stripe fixture #1115

Open theodufort opened 10 months ago

theodufort commented 10 months ago

The more information we have the easier it is for us to help. Feel free to remove any sections that might not apply


The "trial_period_days" parameters is not recognized

Expected Behavior

Add 3 days of trial to a subscription.

Steps to reproduce

Clone and run the fixtures file.


Request failed, status=400, body={ "error": { "code": "parameter_unknown", "doc_url": "", "message": "Received unknown parameters: trial_from_plan, trial_period_days", "param": "trial_from_plan", "request_log_url": "", "type": "invalid_request_error" } }


Stripe CLI 1.17

I cant seem to add a 3 day trial period to my plans. Here is my fixtures file:

{ "_meta": { "template_version": 0 }, "fixtures": [ { "name": "prod_retail", "path": "/v1/products", "method": "post", "params": { "name": "Retail Trader", "description": "For casual scanning.", "metadata": { "max_number_strat": 1, "max_number_substrat": 1, "max_weekly_scans": 1 } } }, { "name": "price_retail_month", "path": "/v1/prices", "method": "post", "params": { "product": "${prod_retail:id}", "currency": "usd", "billing_scheme": "per_unit", "unit_amount": 1000, "recurring": { "interval": "month", "interval_count": 1 }, "trial_from_plan": true, "trial_period_days": 3 } }, { "name": "price_retail_year", "path": "/v1/prices", "method": "post", "params": { "product": "${prod_retail:id}", "currency": "usd", "billing_scheme": "per_unit", "unit_amount": 10000, "recurring": { "interval": "year", "interval_count": 1 }, "trial_from_plan": true, "trial_period_days": 3 } }, { "name": "prod_next_level_retail", "path": "/v1/products", "method": "post", "params": { "name": "Next Level Retail Trader", "description": "Things are starting to get serious.", "metadata": { "max_number_strat": 3, "max_number_substrat": 3, "max_weekly_scans": 2 } } }, { "name": "price_next_level_retail_month", "path": "/v1/prices", "method": "post", "params": { "product": "${prod_next_level_retail:id}", "currency": "usd", "billing_scheme": "per_unit", "unit_amount": 3000, "recurring": { "interval": "month", "interval_count": 1 }, "trial_from_plan": true, "trial_period_days": 3 } }, { "name": "price_next_level_retail_year", "path": "/v1/prices", "method": "post", "params": { "product": "${prod_next_level_retail:id}", "currency": "usd", "billing_scheme": "per_unit", "unit_amount": 30000, "recurring": { "interval": "year", "interval_count": 1 }, "trial_from_plan": true, "trial_period_days": 3 } }, { "name": "prod_market_insider", "path": "/v1/products", "method": "post", "params": { "name": "Market Insider", "description": "You have broken the code of the market...", "metadata": { "max_number_strat": 10, "max_number_substrat": 10, "max_weekly_scans": 5 } } }, { "name": "price_market_insider_month", "path": "/v1/prices", "method": "post", "params": { "product": "${prod_market_insider:id}", "currency": "usd", "billing_scheme": "per_unit", "unit_amount": 5000, "recurring": { "interval": "month", "interval_count": 1 }, "trial_from_plan": true, "trial_period_days": 3 } }, { "name": "price_market_insider_year", "path": "/v1/prices", "method": "post", "params": { "product": "${prod_market_insider:id}", "currency": "usd", "billing_scheme": "per_unit", "unit_amount": 50000, "recurring": { "interval": "year", "interval_count": 1 }, "trial_from_plan": true, "trial_period_days": 3 } } ] }

wilmeltech commented 10 months ago

@theodufort Hey, I was just facing the same problem. Looks like the trial period days field is a little hidden.

let checkoutSession = await stripe.checkout.sessions.create({ customer:, success_url:"", line_items: [{price: priceId}], allow_promotion_codes: true. mode: "subscription", **subscription_data: {trial_period_days: 7}** });

The trial_period_days is hidden in the subscription_data field indicated in the API docs here:

Hope that helps!