stripe / stripe-cli

A command-line tool for Stripe
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Changing Projects on the stripe CLI does not change the webhook secret. #1118

Open Shawns2759 opened 1 year ago

Shawns2759 commented 1 year ago


I am using the Stripe CLI to listen for webhook events locally, I started a new project using stripe and when i run stripe listen --forward-to=localhost:3000/api --project-name=my_project the cli does'nt detect any creds so it promps me to run this command stripe login --project-name=my_project. That command then directs me to the stripe config page. I choose the correct project, it routes me back to the cli. All good so far. The issue is that when i run stripe listen --forward-to=localhost:3000/api --project-name=my_project it starts but with the same webhook used with my old project. I have greped through my entire computer looking for any reference to this secret but i have not found any. I have also removed the stripe cli and reinstalled it.

Expected Behavior

After running stripe login --project-name=new_project, running the stripe listen command for new_project should use the webhook secret associated with new_project, not old_project.

Steps to reproduce

  1. Install Stripe CLI: If the Stripe CLI is not already installed.

    brew install stripe/stripe-cli/stripe
  2. Login to Old Project: Authenticate with your old Stripe project.

    stripe login --project-name=old_project

    Follow the on-screen prompts to complete the login.

  3. Listen to Webhooks for Old Project: Start listening to webhooks on your old project.

    stripe listen --forward-to=localhost:3000/api --project-name=old_project

    Note down the webhook secret that is displayed in the CLI.

  4. log into the New Project: Authenticate with your new Stripe project.

    stripe login --project-name=new_project

    Follow the on-screen prompts to complete the login.

  5. Listen to Webhooks for New Project: Now start listening to webhooks on your new project.

    stripe listen --forward-to=localhost:3000/api --project-name=new_project

    Compare the two webhook secrets. They should be different. But they are not :(


No error thrown



jadengis commented 7 months ago

I also ran into this exact issue. I logged out of my account and back in with another account but my stripe cli continues to connect to the previous account. I am unable to receive webhooks from my new account. Uninstalling and reinstalling the CLI does not help and the webhook secret is not stored in .config/stripe/config.toml.

masoudghaffarinia commented 4 months ago

Same issue. I changed the webhook and changed even my account and login interactively and non interactively but stripe cli still attached to my old webhook secrect which I deleted that webhook even.

ashwin47 commented 3 months ago

Same issue here. Not able to reset webhook secret.

thswanson97 commented 2 weeks ago

Any fix for this? Running into this problem as well.