stripe / stripe-cli

A command-line tool for Stripe
Apache License 2.0
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chore: upgrade some dependencies #1193

Closed charliecruzan-stripe closed 1 month ago

charliecruzan-stripe commented 1 month ago


r? @stripe/developer-products cc @stripe/developer-products


Upgraded to go-git v5 to address the vulnerability alerts here:

Upgraded grpc to 1.63.2 in order to upgrade its version of net/http2 to resolve CVE-2023-39325 and CVE-2023-44487. There is a v1.64.0, but it deprecates an API we currently use in a lot of our tests, and is a very recent release, so I don't see a huge upside to upgrading to that now.

@vcheung-stripe shuf terminal command chose you as a reviewer