stripe / stripe-ios

Stripe iOS SDK
MIT License
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Native macOS Support #1577

Open cliftonlabrum opened 4 years ago

cliftonlabrum commented 4 years ago

Do you have any plans to support macOS with this SDK? I'm referring to a full Mac version, not just Catalyst support.

Even if you didn't provide any payment UIs, just having the API calls available in a Mac app would be great. Perhaps you could consider this as part of your efforts to create a Swift version (see

Thanks! 🙂

csabol-stripe commented 4 years ago

Hi @cliftonlabrum , this isn't something that's currently on our roadmap, but definitely something we could consider if there is sufficient demand for it -- particularly when we make the decision to start developing in Swift :)

(in the meantime we have added support for Catalyst if that help to unblock you at all)

mikeumus commented 3 years ago

I was hoping to use Stripe for my macOS app, alas. So count me as a +1

My workaround for this is going to be a webview or webpage that opens and the users signs up/purchase from that webpage with Stripe.

Sherlouk commented 2 years ago

Adding a +1 here 😊

equally exploring offloading payments to web as a workaround but would love to keep it all in one place!

vade commented 2 years ago

Also adding a +1 :)

arnaudruiz commented 2 years ago

Same +1

Sherlouk commented 2 years ago

In this comment about SwiftUI support they mention the intention to "provide native SwiftUI support or SwiftUI wrappers for all future UI surfaces".

I wonder how the Stripe team would feel around an effort to migrate all UIView's to native SwiftUI and surface UIKit wrappers for backwards compatibility?

The native SwiftUI code would enable the Swift SDK to quickly and easily add support for macOS, tvOS and any future expansions (shopping in Apple's reality headset anyone? 😂)

It's unlikely to require huge rewrites to add SwiftUI (and by extension macOS) support to the core library. The other targets could be converted over time?

duzy commented 1 year ago

+1, mark!

davidme-stripe commented 1 year ago

I wonder how the Stripe team would feel around an effort to migrate all UIView's to native SwiftUI and surface UIKit wrappers for backwards compatibility?

I'd love to try that, but SwiftUI is still a little rough, especially considering the behavioral differences between iOS 13, 14 and 15. We're wary of using it in any SDK UI at this time, but we're looking forward to adopting it in the future!

JUSTINMKAUFMAN commented 1 year ago


vojtabohm commented 1 year ago


kovallux commented 1 year ago


lorentzen commented 1 year ago


tbaranes commented 8 months ago


markwitt1 commented 8 months ago


alelordelo commented 7 months ago


chrisjenx commented 4 months ago

With KMM this would be really helpful

djmango commented 3 months ago


KMSoft2013 commented 3 months ago

I also need this

nilekell commented 1 month ago


ajram23 commented 2 weeks ago

Curious Any updates on this? Its been 4 years now!

nilekell commented 2 weeks ago

@ajram23 I ended up using Lemon Squeezy API with my macos app for license activation & validation.

KMSoft2013 commented 2 weeks ago

I downloaded iOS code and removed all references of UIKit, and then I utilised it for macOS, and it worked.

ajram23 commented 2 weeks ago

@KMSoft2013 you should put out a fork for the rest of us to use.

alelordelo commented 2 weeks ago

@KMSoft2013 you should put out a fork for the rest of us to use.
