stripe / stripe-ios

Stripe iOS SDK
MIT License
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Adds `allow_redisplay` to bindings #3540

Closed wooj-stripe closed 1 month ago

wooj-stripe commented 1 month ago



Updating bindings


relying on STPPaymentMethodParamsTest.testPropertyNamesToFormFieldNamesMapping


github-actions[bot] commented 1 month ago

⚠️ Public API changes detected:


+ @objc public var allowRedisplay: StripePayments.STPPaymentMethodAllowRedisplay
- @objc convenience public init(card: StripePayments.STPPaymentMethodCardParams, billingDetails: StripePayments.STPPaymentMethodBillingDetails?, metadata: [Swift.String : Swift.String]?)
+ @objc convenience public init(card: StripePayments.STPPaymentMethodCardParams, billingDetails: StripePayments.STPPaymentMethodBillingDetails?, allowRedisplay: StripePayments.STPPaymentMethodAllowRedisplay = .unspecified, metadata: [Swift.String : Swift.String]?)
- @objc convenience public init(usBankAccount: StripePayments.STPPaymentMethodUSBankAccountParams, billingDetails: StripePayments.STPPaymentMethodBillingDetails, metadata: [Swift.String : Swift.String]?)
+ @objc convenience public init(usBankAccount: StripePayments.STPPaymentMethodUSBankAccountParams, billingDetails: StripePayments.STPPaymentMethodBillingDetails, allowRedisplay: StripePayments.STPPaymentMethodAllowRedisplay = .unspecified, metadata: [Swift.String : Swift.String]?)
+ case unspecified
+ case limited
+ case always
+ public init?(rawValue: Swift.Int)
+ public typealias RawValue = Swift.Int
+ public var rawValue: Swift.Int {
+ get
+ }

If you are adding a new public API consider the following:

If you are modifying or removing a public API:

If you confirm these APIs need to be added/updated and have undergone necessary review, add the label modifies public API to this PR to acknowledge and bypass this check.