stripe / stripe-ios

Stripe iOS SDK
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[Feature] Programmatically close the Apple Pay payment sheet? #3558

Open RZR666 opened 1 month ago

RZR666 commented 1 month ago

I really need to be able to programmatically close the Apple Payment sheet, I used to be able to on an older SDK, is it still possible?

Many Thanks

RZR666 commented 1 month ago

I added,

`var mockSuccess: StripeAPI.PaymentIntent = StripeAPI.PaymentIntent(id: "", clientSecret: "", amount: 0, canceledAt: nil, captureMethod: .automatic, confirmationMethod: .automatic, created: Date(), currency: "", stripeDescription: "", livemode: false, receiptEmail: "", sourceId: "", paymentMethodId: "", status: .succeeded, shipping: nil);




as a quick fix, since I want to continue doing the clientSecret check on the api.

yuki-stripe commented 2 weeks ago

Hello, this feature is not available today but thank you for the suggestion. We revisit our roadmap periodically and will keep this idea in mind.