stripe / stripe-java

Java library for the Stripe API.
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'No such customer' error when using Pre-built single Step + Connected Standard Account. #1240

Closed igmartell closed 3 years ago

igmartell commented 3 years ago

I created this issue in stripe/stripe-iOS project also, since I'm not sure if this is a backend or client error:


I have set up the Prebuilt UI (Single-Step). When I'm using it without a Connected Stripe Account, it works perfectly fine. When I add --in the server-- the RequestOptions requestOptions = RequestOptions.builder() .setStripeAccount(account.getId()) .setStripeVersionOverride(Stripe.API_VERSION) .setIdempotencyKey(orderId) .build(); , using a valid Connected Account Id, I immediately receive this error:

No such customer: 'cus_xxxxxxxxxx'; code: resource_missing; request-id: req_xxxxxxxxxxxxx

Code to reproduce

1) Create a Connected Account to receive an ID 2) Setup this ID while creating the PaymentIntent object in the Server (using JAVA)

EphemeralKeyCreateParams ephemeralKeyParams =

                        RequestOptions requestOptions = RequestOptions.builder()
                                .setStripeAccount("acct_xxxxxxxxxxx") // I hide it for security reasons

                        EphemeralKey ephemeralKey = EphemeralKey.create(

                         PaymentIntentCreateParams paymentIntentParams =

                            paymentIntent = PaymentIntent.create(paymentIntentParams, requestOptions);

3) Receive the information in iOS to create the Payment Sheet:

var configuration = PaymentSheet.Configuration()
configuration.customer = .init(id: customerId, ephemeralKeySecret: ephemeralKey)
self.paymentSheet = PaymentSheet(paymentIntentClientSecret: paymentIntentIdClientSecret, configuration: configuration)

4) Error appears.

No such customer: 'cus_xxxxxxxxxx'; code: resource_missing; request-id: req_xxxxxxxxxxxxx

NOTE: With the same parameters (commenting out the .setCustomer() and .setApplicationFeeAmount() while creating the PaymentIntent in the backend, it works as expected, but that is not the business model I need. I need to make direct payments using Connected Accounts.

iOS version

iOS 14.5

Installation method

Cocoa Pods

SDK version



Other information

remi-stripe commented 3 years ago

@igmartell Github issues should be limited to bugs with the library itself. Your question is an integration question and should be asked to our support team directly on or

To unblock you though, the customer should be created on the connected account directly, it can not be the customer id of the platform.

igmartell commented 3 years ago

Big thank you. I think this was not so obvious for me. This could be a good observation to add in the documentation.