stripe / stripe-terminal-ios

Stripe Terminal iOS SDK
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Tap to Pay on iPhone connection error 2900 "Operation not permitted." #302

Open maggiewhite-stripe opened 3 weeks ago

maggiewhite-stripe commented 3 weeks ago

Separating the 2 issues described in #300 into separate tickets.


Last week I asked about some issues we have with Tap to Pay on iPhone in the Discord channel, and there I was asked to open an issue on the repo.

We see some inexplicable connection errors. The one that we only seem to be able to recover from by restarting the app is Error Domain=com.stripe-terminal Code=2900 "Operation not permitted. Verify the app has the necessary entitlements and that the application bundle is valid.". Obviously we have the entitlements, and is the application bundle valid, because this only happens incidental.

Code to reproduce

There aren't clear reproduction steps, but I've seen more issues when I move the app to background right after I invoke the start payment method.

iOS version


Installation method

Swift PM

SDK version


ermankos commented 2 weeks ago

We are also getting this error? Any update on this?

maggiewhite-stripe commented 2 weeks ago

@ermankos Please double-check that you've set up your entitlements correctly first - documentation for that is here:

If you've completed these steps and your entitlement has been approved and you are still getting this error, please share your Apple team ID from the Apple Developer Program portal. We've reported this issue to Apple and are waiting for a response.

ermankos commented 2 weeks ago

Hi @maggiewhite-stripe, yes it is set correctly, it works for our customers who have been using our app for months.

This error happens randomly for some of our merchants. This error usually happens after we try to reconnect to the terminal when 'terminal auto cancels a transaction' which is described here -> Once they close the app and reopen, it works as expected.

Our team ID is J9DDVL59R9.

maggiewhite-stripe commented 1 week ago

Thank you! I've shared your team ID with Apple and we will post any updates to this ticket.