stripe / stripe-terminal-react-native

React Native SDK for Stripe Terminal
MIT License
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collectPaymentMethod() faild, Collect payment method call after retrievePaymentIntent() asynchronously error occur >> VALUE FOR PAYMENTINTENT CANNOT BE CAST FROM STRING TO ReadableNativeMap. stripe terminal using the tap to pay(Simulated mode: YES) React native app, I got an error. #675

Open abhijitCN opened 4 months ago

abhijitCN commented 4 months ago

the error When I tried to collect the payment method retrievePaymentIntent(clientSecret) and then call the collectPaymentMethod({ paymentIntent: }) method but got the error >> VALUE FOR PAYMENTINTENT CANNOT BE CAST FROM STRING TO ReadableNativeMap stripe terminal using the tap to pay(Simulated mode: YES) React native app, I got an error. only retrievePaymentIntent(clientSecret) this function gives response, but whenever adding collectPaymentMethod({ paymentIntent: }) this function gating the error If any other way to modify my payment function @nazli-stripe please suggest.

To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior:

const payment = async () => { const { paymentIntent: Intent, error} = await retrievePaymentIntent(clientSecret); if (error) { console.log('Error >> ', error); return; } console.log('Intent >> ', Intent); //setProcessId(; if (Intent?.id) { const { paymentIntent:pay, err:error } = await collectPaymentMethod({ paymentIntent: }); console.log('pay >> ', pay); } if (err) { console.log('err >> ', err); return; } };

Expected behavior I use the asynchronous function payment where two functions call one after another but gating this error >> VALUE FOR PAYMENTINTENT CANNOT BE CAST FROM STRING TO ReadableNativeMap Screenshots If applicable, add screenshots to help explain your problem.

Stripe Terminal React Native SDK version @

nazli-stripe commented 4 months ago

The SDK doesn't provide a capturePaymentIntent method as that should be handled on the backend. What method from which Stripe SDK are you calling exactly This seems like a potential integration issue for which I recommend reaching out to to get assistance faster.

abhijitCN commented 4 months ago

@nazli-stripe sorry,it is collectPaymentMethod({ paymentIntent: }) whenever i call collectPaymentMethod({ paymentIntent: }) this method after retrievePaymentIntent(clientSecret) I gating the error.

nazli-stripe commented 4 months ago

for collectPaymentMethod you have to pass the full PaymentIntent object you received from the retrievePaymentIntent method, not just the id:

abhijitCN commented 4 months ago

@nazli-stripe thank you so much. please help me in another section. What am I getting from collectPaymentMethod() method will I pass the Total object in, confirmPaymentIntent() method or only the id from the object because I am gatting the error ==> {"code": "INTEGRATION_ERROR.INVALID_REQUIRED_PARAMETER", "message": "The PaymentIntent is missing sdkUuid field. This method requires you to use the PaymentIntent that was returned from either createPaymentIntent or retrievePaymentIntent."} in the below code in collectPayment object, sdkUuid is present

const processPayment = async () => { const { paymentIntent: Intent, error} = await retrievePaymentIntent(IntentId); if (error) { console.log('Error >> ', error); return; } console.log('Intent >> ', Intent); if (Intent) { console.log(' inside collectPaymentMethod >> '); const { paymentIntent:collectPayment, error:err } = await collectPaymentMethod({ paymentIntent: Intent }); console.log('collectPayment >> ', collectPayment);
if(collectPayment){ const { paymentIntent: confirmPaymentIntent, error: confirmError } = await confirmPaymentIntent(confirmPaymentResult); console.log('confirmPaymentIntent success >> ', confirmPaymentIntent); if (confirmError) { console.log('confirmPaymentIntent error >> ', confirmError); return; } } if (err) { console.log('err >> ', err); return; } } };

zaidmaknojia commented 2 months ago

I am getting the same error while trying to use confirmPaymentIntent. The object returned by collectPaymentMethod() is undefined for me. Is this because I am using the test api key?