stripe / subprocess

A port of Python's subprocess module to Ruby
MIT License
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Add missing require of fileutils #19

Closed areitz closed 8 years ago

areitz commented 8 years ago

While using Subprocess.check_output with the cwd: option, I encountered this exception:

17:28:58 /var/lib/gems/2.1.0/gems/subprocess-1.3.0/lib/subprocess.rb:253:in `block in initialize': uninitialized constant Subprocess::Process::FileUtils (NameError)
17:28:58    from /var/lib/gems/2.1.0/gems/subprocess-1.3.0/lib/subprocess.rb:251:in `fork'
17:28:58    from /var/lib/gems/2.1.0/gems/subprocess-1.3.0/lib/subprocess.rb:251:in `initialize'
17:28:58    from /var/lib/gems/2.1.0/gems/subprocess-1.3.0/lib/subprocess.rb:85:in `new'
17:28:58    from /var/lib/gems/2.1.0/gems/subprocess-1.3.0/lib/subprocess.rb:85:in `check_output'
17:28:58    from /pay/jenkins/stripe/scripts/postprocess-coverage.rb:68:in `main'
17:28:58    from /pay/jenkins/stripe/scripts/postprocess-coverage.rb:73:in `<main>'

Line 253 uses the FileUtils module, but unless this module has already been brought into the global namespace, this call will fail.

Incidentally, the unit test

Succeeds because the test file requires tempfile, which transitively brings fileutils into the global namespace.

zenazn commented 8 years ago

Good find—LGTM!