strohne / Facepager

Facepager was made for fetching public available data from YouTube, Twitter and other websites on the basis of APIs and webscraping.
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ImportError when trying to run Facepager on Ubuntu 18.04 #119

Closed McCastles closed 4 years ago

McCastles commented 4 years ago

Hello, thank you for the effort in developing Facepager!

I'm following the installation instruction here and as I try to run python3 the following appears:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 38, in <module>
    from actions import *
  File "/home/stud/Facepager/src/", line 9, in <module>
    from apimodules import *
  File "/home/stud/Facepager/src/", line 14, in <module>
    from PySide2.QtWebEngineWidgets import QWebEngineView, QWebEnginePage, QWebEngineProfile
ImportError: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

I've read the similar issue thread here but haven't find the solution.

I tried:

I'm extremely sorry if this issue has already been solved, I hope I've just missed something obviously dumb. Thank you.

strohne commented 4 years ago

I did some research on the issue but, at the moment, I can only admit: no idea. Could this be a driver issue? See for example Does installing pyopengl help?

strohne commented 4 years ago

I tested it in a virtual machine with Ubuntu 18.04.01 LTS, works without problems. confused. You activated the environment (source pyenv/bin/activate) and installed the packages inside the environment and started Facepager from the environment, right?

And do you have the missing file on your machine? That's what it looks like in my virtual box:


McCastles commented 4 years ago

Thank you very much for the answer.

libEGL is evidently missing on my system: image

Just to be sure I've just deleted the whole thing and done it step by step from the beginning. I do activate the environment and install packages inside. Installing pyopengl didn't help.

The only possible (possibly misleading) clue I've got is this: when I install the packages, some of them seem to produce a failure message: image

Though the output says both rauth and SQLAlchemy are installed successfully:

If you learn something about the possible solution, please let me know, thank you once again.

strohne commented 4 years ago

It doesn't look like the packages are correctly installed. Maybe wheel is missing? Googling the error message brings up:

sudo apt-get install gcc libpq-dev -y
sudo apt-get install python-dev  python-pip -y
sudo apt-get install python3-dev python3-pip python3-venv python3-wheel -y
pip3 install wheel
McCastles commented 4 years ago

@strohne I'm sorry I screwed up a little bit, I was late to realize that the remote machine I'm working on lacks the graphical interface (gnome) so my logic of installing Facepager there was flawed.

Is there any chance Facepager can be installed and run in a command-line mode? That would have resolved my problem.

Sorry for confusion.

strohne commented 4 years ago

Very funny, you made my day :)

At the moment, there is no command line option, sorry. But this is a much requested feature and I have been thinking about this for some time now. If you or someone else has lots of time, I would try to guide through refactoring the code. But it would be more efficient for you to compile your own scripts, I guess.