strohne / Facepager

Facepager was made for fetching public available data from YouTube, Twitter and other websites on the basis of APIs and webscraping.
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GET statuses/show/<id> not formulated correctly #36

Closed dimitrakopoulou closed 8 years ago

dimitrakopoulou commented 9 years ago

Hi all, Thank you for this great tool. At the moment, we are using Facepager to get individual Tweets by status id. We have noticed that the API call GET statuses/show/ is not formulated correctly having an extra slash between show and .json. The issues seems to be in “" line 623 in options["query"] Thank you for resolving this. Dimitra

strohne commented 9 years ago

Thanks for your message.Unfortunately I can not reproduce this behavior, at least not in the master branch. As I read the documentation the canonical way to retrieve individual tweets by id would be:

This works with Facepager by setting Resource to statuses/show/<id> and parameter id to <Object ID>.

Your way to formulate the request should be perfectly well being achieved by setting Resource to statuses/show.json?id=<id> and parameter id to <Object ID>.

Maybe it has been an issue in former versions, as the binaries are not always up to date?

dorvak commented 9 years ago

Did this solve the issue?