strohne / Facepager

Facepager was made for fetching public available data from YouTube, Twitter and other websites on the basis of APIs and webscraping.
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Login page blank #4

Closed dorvak closed 11 years ago

dorvak commented 11 years ago

Facebook-Login Page not loading. Mayber because of the redirection process fetching the login-url (see login-method)

strohne commented 11 years ago

Cannot reproduce the behavior - login works for me. Strange: login page sometimes looks like a mobile page and sometimes like normal. Any more details? Maybe an OpenSSL issue?

dorvak commented 11 years ago

Might be an QT issue. As suggested, wo should implement an error handling (and error detection) for this issue. THe "mobile" look is strange (could not reproduce it), but might be an QWebView/useragent-issue as well

dorvak commented 11 years ago

Finally, got the traceback:

Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 460, in extension elif (errorOption.domain == QWebPage.QtHttp): AttributeError: type object 'PySide.QtWebKit.QWebPage' has no attribute 'QtHttp'