strohne / Facepager

Facepager was made for fetching public available data from YouTube, Twitter and other websites on the basis of APIs and webscraping.
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Facepager V3.8 getting Query Status error (400) when fetching data in FB... #65

Closed crockycmb closed 7 years ago

crockycmb commented 7 years ago

I'm definitely just learning this FacePager altogether, and getting this error every time I fetch any Resource type... Attached is the screen shot trying all type of resource getting the sme "error 400."


strohne commented 7 years ago

Pls provide details about the error message, see offcut node.

btw: the default setting of the base path is outdated, maybe you could change it to version 2.3

strohne commented 7 years ago

Looks like you try to access the feed of a group. This is not possible without being admin of the group.

crockycmb commented 7 years ago

Error message expanded, onoffcut node. The default setting of the base path is changed to version 2.3 I'm admin of the group queried.


strohne commented 7 years ago

And what is the error message? Did you check the Facebook Graph API reference about what permissions are required for this kind of request?

crockycmb commented 7 years ago

Mr. Strohne, I ran this same request from Facebook graph API and it seems to get me the results I was expecting... I'm not really sure how to expand the troubleshooting or the error message I need to explore in the FacePager... Your guidance is deeply appreciated...


strohne commented 7 years ago

Ok. let's try...

  1. Expand the node in the detail view (right top pane), look at the error message and report back.

  2. To get details about permissions pls read the Facebook Graph API reference, particularly (follow the links in the edges section as well) Maybe some things are not permitted if you are not the developer of the app. In this case you need to register your own app (see

  3. To run the exact same query like in your screenshot in Facepager you need to

    • add the node me
    • set the version in base path to 2.9:
    • set the resource to <Object ID>/groups
    • set the parameter fields to id,name,members
    • after fetching data check the status log: is it really the same request?
crockycmb commented 7 years ago

This is the results when I run the following http calls..


{ "data": [

] }


{ "error": { "message": "Unsupported get request. Object with ID '638868926134801' does not exist, cannot be loaded due to missing permissions, or does not support this operation. Please read the Graph API documentation at", "type": "GraphMethodException", "code": 100, "fbtrace_id": "A5NmFEb5FTd" } }


This is the result when I directly used Facebook Graph API Explorer...


The, do I just update this line "credentials['facebook_client_id'] = '000000000000000'" with my Facebook ID? And where do I put this file, in C:\Program Files (x86)\Facepager? Sorry I'm not really a programmer lol...

Again Thanks in advance for your guidance...

strohne commented 7 years ago

These are different requests, check the fields-parameter.

By the way: this is not a Facepager issue. The problem is about working with the Facebook Graph API. I will close the issue now. Pls get familiar with the API.