strohne / Facepager

Facepager was made for fetching public available data from YouTube, Twitter and other websites on the basis of APIs and webscraping.
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Problem with fetching shared events #93

Closed meinungsfuehrer closed 5 years ago

meinungsfuehrer commented 5 years ago

Hey, thx for the awesome programme! There seems to be a problem with fetching shared events on a Facebook Feed. Have I missed a parameter to include into "fields" or are shared events excluded from fetching Feeds or Posts?

One example: shared an event on 2nd of October containing the messsage "Hallo ihr alle [...]". I tried both /posts and /feed but these shared events don´t get fetched with the following fields: picture,from,object_id,privacy,events,actions,updated_time,application,link,permalink_url,shares,created_time,message,icon,type,id,status_type,comments.limit(1).summary(true),likes.limit(1).summary(true),reactions.type(LIKE).limit(0).summary(1).as(like), reactions.type(LOVE).limit(0).summary(1).as(love), reactions.type(HAHA).limit(0).summary(1).as(haha), reactions.type(WOW).limit(0).summary(1).as(wow), reactions.type(SAD).limit(0).summary(1).as(sad), reactions.type(ANGRY).limit(0).summary(1).as(angry)

I would be pleased if you could help me!

strohne commented 5 years ago

The general access to data does not depend on the fields setting. Events need special permissions, see

BTW: please ask questions about using Facepager or about specific APIs in the Facebook Group, not on GitHub. GitHub issues should only be used for development issues.