strongbox-password-safe / Strongbox

A KeePass/Password Safe Client for iOS and OS X
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
1.33k stars 102 forks source link

App crashes when adding OneDrive Database #634

Closed tim-wolter closed 2 years ago

tim-wolter commented 2 years ago

System and Settings

The Issue

The app repeatedly crashes when either re-adding my OneDrive database or adding a new one.

How to reproduce

Start Strongbox with OneDrive database already in place. The app informs me that I need to re-add my OneDrive database due to an SDK change. As soon as I click OK, the app crashes.

Another way to reproduce: Try to add another OneDrive database manually.

Debug Info

Strongbox 1.55.8 Debug Information at 2022-06-29 10:04:59.559 -------------------- App Version: com.markmcguill.strongbox [1.55.8 (4199)@056ba51] -------------------- Device -------------------- Model: iPhone CPU: ARM64E System Name: iOS System Version: 15.5 -------------------- Preferences -------------------- lastAskToEnableAutoFill: 2021-11-15 06:54:18 +0000 coalesceAppLockAndQuickLaunchBiometrics: 1 addOtpAuthUrl: 1 markdownNotes: 1 autoFillExitedCleanly: 1 installDate: 2021-09-16 20:22:21 +0000 hideKeyFileOnUnlock: 0 794542A5-710E-4518-8DA0-BEDE560E0EA0-pw-has-expired: 0 iCloudPrompted: 0 lastEntitlementCheckAttempt: 2022-05-21 07:13:33 +0000 hideTips: 1 pinYinSearchEnabled: 0 autoFillWroteCleanly: 1 useIsolatedDropbox: 0 hideExportFromDatabaseContextMenu: 0 databasesAreAlwaysReadOnly: 0 iCloudOn: 0 instantPinUnlocking: 1 appHasBeenDowngradedToFreeEdition: 0 mainAppDidChangeDatabases: 0 lastKnownGoodDatabaseState: {length = 32, bytes = 0x40d5cbe2 02ef126b 57c87605 d0ef19a0 ... a6d907ed 579054ff } migratedConnections: 1 backupIncludeImportedKeyFiles: 0 allowThirdPartyKeyboards: 0 syncForcePushDoNotCheckForConflicts: 0 disableThirdPartyStorageOptions: 0 colorizeUseColorBlindPalette: 0 disableFavIconFeature: 0 legacyShowMetadataOnDetailsScreen: 1 scheduledTipsCheckDone: 1 disableReadOnlyToggles: 0 iCloudWasOn: 0 quickLaunchUuid: 794542A5-710E-4518-8DA0-BEDE560E0EA0 suppressAppBackgroundTriggers: 0 endFreeTrialDate: 2022-02-13 06:54:56 +0000 haveAskedAboutBackupSettings: 1 syncPullEvenIfModifiedDateSame: 0 userHasOptedInToThirdPartyStorageLibraries: 1 hasShownFirstRunWelcome: 1 backupFiles: 0 autoFillQuickLaunchUuid: 794542A5-710E-4518-8DA0-BEDE560E0EA0 autoFillLastKnownGoodDatabaseState: {length = 32, bytes = 0x23f62ba6 96cb46dd 5d023fe9 1d07f615 ... fedb3117 626dadc3 } showAllFilesInLocalKeyFiles: 0 appLockMode2.0: 1 autoFillDidChangeDatabases: 0 hasShownFirstRunFinalWelcome: 1 monitorInternetConnectivity: 1 disableNativeNetworkStorageOptions: 0 failedUnlockAttempts: 0 numberOfEntitlementCheckFails: 0 addLegacySupplementaryTotpCustomFields: 1 launchCount: 33 freeTrialNudgeCount: 2 lastFreeTrialNudge: 2021-11-15 06:54:18 +0000 isPro: 1 794542A5-710E-4518-8DA0-BEDE560E0EA0-pw-expires-at: 2022-07-13 07:57:35 +0000 Ep: 1631823741 Flags: P[1[-135]110[33]0000] -------------------- Last Crash -------------------- -------------------- Sync -------------------- pws (SafeStorageProviderFactory::getDisplayName Unknown Sync) => 2022-06-10 10:26:41.460 (55 KB) -------------------- [preferences/databases.json] 4 KB - Today, 09:57:47 [] 538 bytes - 16.09.21, 22:22:11 [Library/Preferences/group.strongbox.mcguill.plist] 3 KB - Today, 10:04:36 [backups/794542A5-710E-4518-8DA0-BEDE560E0EA0/20220603_121810_399.bak] 60 KB - 29.05.22, 11:31:23 [backups/794542A5-710E-4518-8DA0-BEDE560E0EA0/20220603_224248_266.bak] 55 KB - 03.06.22, 22:42:19 [backups/794542A5-710E-4518-8DA0-BEDE560E0EA0/20220409_180629_909.bak] 37 KB - 27.03.22, 18:43:15 [backups/794542A5-710E-4518-8DA0-BEDE560E0EA0/20220601_082427_838.bak] 54 KB - 14.05.22, 09:32:01 [backups/794542A5-710E-4518-8DA0-BEDE560E0EA0/20220422_081951_788.bak] 54 KB - 09.04.22, 18:06:32 [backups/794542A5-710E-4518-8DA0-BEDE560E0EA0/20220327_184314_422.bak] 37 KB - 27.03.22, 18:43:08 [backups/794542A5-710E-4518-8DA0-BEDE560E0EA0/20220508_123607_066.bak] 59 KB - 21.04.22, 18:45:48 [backups/794542A5-710E-4518-8DA0-BEDE560E0EA0/20220610_102454_440.bak] 55 KB - 03.06.22, 22:42:49 [backups/794542A5-710E-4518-8DA0-BEDE560E0EA0/20220610_102640_585.bak] 55 KB - 10.06.22, 10:26:25 [backups/794542A5-710E-4518-8DA0-BEDE560E0EA0/20220514_093159_496.bak] 59 KB - 06.05.22, 12:23:32 [sync-manager/local/794542A5-710E-4518-8DA0-BEDE560E0EA0] 55 KB - 10.06.22, 10:26:41 -------------------- \================================================================= [pws] on [SafeStorageProviderFactory::getDisplayName Unknown] Config \================================================================= { argon2MemReductionDontAskAgain = 0; auditConfig = { auditInBackground = 1; caseInsensitiveMatchForDuplicates = 1; checkForCommonPasswords = 1; checkForDuplicatedPasswords = 1; checkForLowEntropy = 1; checkForMinimumLength = 0; checkForNoPasswords = 0; checkForSimilarPasswords = 0; checkForTwoFactorAvailable = 0; checkHibp = 0; hibpCaveatAccepted = 0; hibpCheckForNewBreachesIntervalSeconds = 86400; lastKnownAuditIssueCount = 47; levenshteinSimilarityThreshold = "0.75"; lowEntropyThreshold = 36; minimumLength = 12; showAuditPopupNotifications2 = 0; }; autoFillConcealedFieldsAsCreds = 0; autoFillConvenienceAutoUnlockTimeout = 0; autoFillCopyTotp = 1; autoFillEnabled = 1; autoFillLastUnlockedAt = "678182267.881225"; autoFillOnboardingDone = 1; autoFillScanAltUrls = 1; autoFillScanCustomFields = 1; autoFillScanNotes = 1; autoFillUnConcealedFieldsAsCreds = 0; autoLockOnDeviceLock = 1; autoLockTimeoutSeconds = 60; browseItemSubtitleField = 1; browseSortField = 1; browseSortFoldersSeparately = 1; browseSortOrderDescending = 0; browseViewType = 0; colorizePasswords = 1; colorizeProtectedCustomFields = 0; conflictResolutionStrategy = 0; convenienceExpiryOnboardingDone = 1; convenienceExpiryPeriod = 336; couldNotConnectBehaviour = 0; customSortOrderForFields = 0; databaseCreated = "653516791.7264"; detailsViewCollapsedSections = ( 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1 ); doNotShowRecycleBinInBrowse = 0; doubleTapAction = 4; duressAction = 0; easyReadFontForAll = 0; emptyOrNilPwPreferNilCheckFirst = 0; failedPinAttempts = 0; fileIdentifier = "{\"driveId\":\"458dc3333834756c\",\"parentFolderId\":\"458DC3333834756C!101\"}"; fileName = "pws.kdbx"; forceOpenOffline = 0; hasAcknowledgedAppLockBiometricQuickLaunchCoalesceIssue = 0; hasBeenPromptedForConvenience = 1; hasBeenPromptedForQuickLaunch = 1; hasShownInitialOnboardingScreen = 1; hasUnresolvedConflicts = 0; hideIconInBrowse = 0; hideTotp = 0; hideTotpCustomFieldsInViewMode = 1; hideTotpInBrowse = 0; immediateSearchOnBrowse = 0; isAutoFillMemOnlyConveniencePasswordHasBeenStored = 0; isEnrolledForConvenience = 1; isTouchIdEnabled = 1; kdbx4UpgradeDontAskAgain = 0; keePassIconSet = 1; keyFileBookmark = ""; lastScheduledExportModDate = "663283009.947"; lastSyncAttempt = "675981768.274279"; lastSyncRemoteModDate = "675981769.8499999"; likelyFormat = 1; lockEvenIfEditing = 0; longPressTapAction = 3; makeBackups = 1; maxBackupKeepCount = 10; nextScheduledExport = "671301968.265614"; nickName = pws; offlineDetectedBehaviour = 0; onboardingDoneHasBeenShown = 1; outstandingUpdateId = "7BF3AE3B-E23A-4F6C-BBE3-6B28D95081BA"; promptedForAutoFetchFavIcon = 1; quickTypeDisplayFormat = 0; quickTypeEnabled = 1; readOnly = 0; scheduleExportIntervalDays = 14; scheduledExport = 0; scheduledExportOnboardingDone = 1; showChildCountOnFolderInBrowse = 1; showConvenienceExpiryMessage = 1; showEmptyFieldsInDetailsView = 0; showExpiredInBrowse = 1; showExpiredInSearch = 1; showFlagsInBrowse = 1; showKeePass1BackupGroup = 0; showPasswordByDefaultOnEditScreen = 0; showQuickViewExpired = 0; showQuickViewFavourites = 1; showQuickViewNearlyExpired = 1; showRecycleBinInSearchResults = 0; storageProvider = 4; tapAction = 1; tripleTapAction = 8; tryDownloadFavIconForNewRecord = 1; unlockCount = 46; uuid = "794542A5-710E-4518-8DA0-BEDE560E0EA0"; } --------------------

strongbox-mark commented 2 years ago

Hi @tim-wolter - Bit of a long story, but unfortunately the only way to fix this is to reinstall from the App Store. Just make sure you have a backup of the local copy if you have any outstanding changes (Orange status icon). You can merge those changes in later after re-adding from OneDrive.