strongbox-password-safe / Strongbox

A KeePass/Password Safe Client for iOS and OS X
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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Open DBs or Entries via URL Scheme or Shortcuts on macOS #655

Open fl4shback opened 1 year ago

fl4shback commented 1 year ago

It would be very practical to be able to programatically open a DB or a entry via Shortcuts or scripting in macOS.

strongbox-mark commented 1 year ago

When you say open, what do you mean, you mean open the Lock Screen and bring it to the foreground?

And for an item, when you say open an entry, you mean bring Strongbox to the foreground and select the item (e.g. like clicking on it currently)?

What should happen if the database is locked and you want to select an item?

When you say programmatically, I presume you mean from the command line? How do you envisage it working? what are the parameters and arguments/values you'd want to see?

Do you have an existing example of another app that does this?

Any extra detail much appreciated.

fl4shback commented 1 year ago

At the moment I'm using Shortcuts to move some files around, launch multiple websites to do accounting (citrix remote app, bank website, ...). I'm kind of cheating by using the "Open file with app" instruction in Shortcuts currently, but it only works for local DBs, not cloud ones.

Due to the way bank website works, autocomplete doesn't work so the idea would be to have some way to open the bank login (probably as a pinned window I guess, but bringing the main window with the login selected would work too to be honest) via it's UUID after unlocking the DB if it's locked, obviously.

Could be command line or shortcuts, wouldn't really matter.

The part I don't imagine how to do would be selecting the right DB though. Do they have unique identifiers ?

I don't kown if any other app enables something similar.

strongbox-mark commented 1 year ago

Thanks, yes there is a UUID for each database but it's not exposed very obviously at the moment... this is also connected with #650