strongbox-password-safe / Strongbox

A KeePass/Password Safe Client for iOS and OS X
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
1.29k stars 100 forks source link

MacOS QuickType menu not appearing on sites without suggestions unless iCloud Keychain enabled #763

Open Maxence-v opened 4 months ago

Maxence-v commented 4 months ago


I installed and Strongbox pro on my Macbook pro M2.

I activated the autofill extension in MacOS settings:


When I autofill on MacOS I get Apple keychain and not Strongbox.


strongbox-mark commented 4 months ago

Hi @Maxence-v - Versions please. macOS and Strongbox. Could you also make sure that iCloud Keychain is not enabled.

Maxence-v commented 4 months ago

Keychain is disabled: image

MacOS: Version 14.2.1 (Build 23C71) Strongbox: 1.58.37

I think that feature never worked for me. I was always on MacOS 14 on this mac. I started using Strongbox a little bit before Black Friday.

strongbox-mark commented 4 months ago

Hi. This is very strange, would you be able to update to the latest 1.59.1 on the App Store now and also could you send your debug info to We'll try dig in here.

Maxence-v commented 4 months ago

I updated this morning, still the same problem. I sent you the debug info by email. I had an theory: first, is it normal that the i don't see the strongbox icon ? image

Maybe it is because I started by using Strongbox (NOT Pro), then i switched to Strongbox Pro (lifetime licence)

Do you know how I can fully uninstall and reinstall Strongbox ?

strongbox-mark commented 4 months ago

Perhaps, this could be the issue. Do you have multiple copies of Strongbox installed? This isn't ideal. I would recommend removing all copies, and then just installing the single Pro version.

After this, let us know how it goes. We received your debug info and things look fine there. So, perhaps if things don't improve you could let us know a little more about what you are seeing vs what you expect to see. A screen recording would be great.

awkimball commented 1 month ago

Hi @strongbox-mark I'm having this same issue on a MacbookPro14,1 running Ventura 13.6.6. This is the newest macOS version that is supported by the 2017 MacBook Pros. Strongbox is selected as the autofill source and iCloud keychain is disabled. I have tried quitting and restarting both strongbox and safari, as well as rebooted the computer a few times. AutoFill has been disabled and re-enabled a few times.

I have verified that there is only 1 version of strongbox installed, and I have fully uninstalled it with FreeMacSoft's AppCleaner and then reinstalled from the app store. Below is the debug information:

-------------------- App Summary -----------------------
App SKU: Universal (macOS & iOS, Freemium)
Pro Status: Pro (Yearly subscription)
Platform: MacOS Version 13.6.6 (Build 22G630)

-------------------- Databases Summary -----------------------
1. REDACTED (File Sync) => 2024-05-06 16:18:40.000 (68 KB)

Strongbox 1.59.9 Debug Information at 2024-05-07 10:40:32.326
Launched as Login Item: No
App Version: com.markmcguill.strongbox [1.59.9 (5475)-P]
LEC: 2024-05-06 18:13:30.976
AMS: 0
AYS: 1
FTA: 1
Model: MacBookPro14,1
CPU: Intel x86-64h Haswell
System Name: MacOS
System Version: Version 13.6.6 (Build 22G630)
wiFiSyncServiceName: REDACTED MacBook Pro (REDACTED)
showSystemTrayIcon: 1
appHasBeenDowngradedToFreeEdition: 0
installDate: 2024-05-06 23:13:28 +0000
markdownNotes: 1
disableWiFiSyncClientMode: 0
hasAskedAboutDatabaseOpenInBackground: 1
hasPromptedForThirdPartyAutoFill: 1
lastEntitlementCheckAttempt: 2024-05-06 23:13:30 +0000
wiFiSyncOn: 0
fullVersion: 1
databases: {length = 6049, bytes = 0x62706c69 73743030 d4000100 02000300 ... 00000000 0000150d }
databasesAreAlwaysReadOnly: 0
hasShownFirstRunWelcome: 1
numberOfEntitlementCheckFails-reset-all-27-dec-2022: 0
runBrowserAutoFillProxyServer-Prod-22-Oct-2022: 1
lockDatabaseOnWindowClose: 0
launchCountKey: 5
REDACTED (File Sync) => 2024-05-06 16:18:40.000 (68 KB)
[Library/Preferences/group.strongbox.mac.mcguill.plist] 7 KB - MToday, 10:35:43 AM / CToday, 10:35:43 AM
[Library/Application Scripts/group.strongbox.mac.mcguill] 59 bytes - MYesterday, 6:13:27 PM / CYesterday, 6:13:27 PM
[F] Zero KB - MToday, 10:34:59 AM / CToday, 10:34:59 AM
[] 553 bytes - MYesterday, 6:13:27 PM / CYesterday, 6:13:27 PM
[sync-manager/local/19AB85E2-E017-42DE-B94D-47DE2BA53F00] 68 KB - MYesterday, 4:18:40 PM / CYesterday, 4:18:40 PM
[REDACTED] on [File] Config
_touchIdPasswordExpiryPeriodHours = -1
_sideBarSelectedSpecial = 1
_sideBarChildCountGroupPrefix = šŸ“
_doNotShowTotp = 0
_makeBackups = 1
_autoFillUnConcealedFieldsAsCreds = 0
_concealEmptyProtectedFields = 1
_showHorizontalGrid = 0
_autoFillEnabled = 1
_includeAssociatedDomains = 1
_autoFillScanCustomFields = 0
_isAutoFillMemOnlyConveniencePasswordHasBeenStored = 0
_uuid = 19AB85E2-E017-42DE-B94D-47DE2BA53F00
_hasPromptedForAutoFillEnrol = 1
_promptedForAutoFetchFavIcon = 0
_readOnly = 0
_sideBarNavigationContext = 4
_customSortOrderForFields = 1
_quickTypeEnabled = 1
_monitorForExternalChanges = 1
_sideBarShowTotalCountOnHierarchy = 1
_browseSelectedItems = (
_sideBarSelectedFavouriteId = (null)
_nickName = REDACTED
_isWatchUnlockEnabled = 0
_lastKnownEncryptionSettings = KeePass 2 (4.1)/Argon2d 16 MB (I12/P2)/AES-256/ChaCha20/GZip/Strongbox
_sideBarChildCountShowZero = 1
_isTouchIdEnrolled = 0
_autoFillConcealedFieldsAsCreds = 1
_isTouchIdEnabled = 0
_hasSetInitialUnlockedFrame = 1
_showAdvancedUnlockOptions = 0
_autoPromptForConvenienceUnlockOnActivate = 0
_hasPromptedForTouchIdEnrol = 0
_expressDownloadFavIconOnNewOrUrlChanged = 0
_showChildCountOnFolderInSidebar = 1
_autoFillConvenienceAutoUnlockTimeout = 600
_sideBarChildCountFormat = 0
_storageProvider = 2
_outlineViewTitleIsReadonly = 0
_likelyFormat = 2
_autoFillCopyTotp = 1
_sideBarSelectedAuditCategory = 1
_emptyOrNilPwPreferNilCheckFirst = 0
_unlockCount = 6
_doNotShowChangeNotifications = 0
_autoFillStorageInfo = (null)
_launchAtStartup = 0
_alwaysOpenOffline = 0
_searchIncludeGroups = 0
_hasSetInitialWindowPosition = 1
_showRecycleBinInSearchResults = 0
_visibleColumns = (
_sideBarChildCountSeparator = /
_monitorForExternalChangesInterval = 5
_lastSyncAttempt = 2024-05-07 15:35:19 +0000
_showQuickView = 1
_lastSyncRemoteModDate = 2024-05-06 21:18:40 +0000
_auditConfig = <DatabaseAuditorConfiguration: 0x60000249f020>
_quickTypeDisplayFormat = 0
_autoFillLastUnlockedAt = (null)
_sideBarSelectedGroup = 7B2758C9-DE3B-4BB6-A889-80E0CF3D032B
_doNotShowAutoCompleteSuggestions = 0
_searchScope = 5
_asyncUpdateId = (null)
_startWithSearch = 1
_showVerticalGrid = 0
_userRequestOfflineOpenEphemeralFlagForDocument = 0
_autoFillScanNotes = 0
_autoReloadAfterExternalChanges = 1
_maxBackupKeepCount = 10
_doNotShowRecycleBinInBrowse = 0
_outstandingUpdateId = (null)
_headerNodes = (
    "<HeaderNodeState: 0x6000007a7040>",
    "<HeaderNodeState: 0x6000007a6ec0>",
    "<HeaderNodeState: 0x6000007a6ea0>",
    "<HeaderNodeState: 0x6000007a70c0>",
    "<HeaderNodeState: 0x6000007a70e0>"
_fileUrl = sb-sync-managed-file:///Users/REDACTED/Library/Mobile%20Documents/iCloud~com~strongbox/Documents/REDACTED.kdbx
_iconSet = 1
_yubiKeyConfiguration = (null)
_noAlternatingRows = 0
_uiDoNotSortKeePassNodesInBrowseView = 0
_conflictResolutionStrategy = 1
pictosun commented 1 month ago

Same issue at my side. Already sent debug infos to you.

I'm using a quite new machine with newest stable Sonoma, Safari for macOS and Strongbox Pro (only one Strongbox version installed).

strongbox-mark commented 1 month ago

Hi @awkimball - What version of Safari are you running there? Could you describe a bit more about what you mean when you say it's not working. A screen recording would be great ( Also, is this new behaviour, it was working beforehand?

Also, would appreciate if you can both (@pictosun) these issues to Apple. We don't have much control over the AutoFill process/UI.

awkimball commented 1 month ago

Hi @strongbox-mark I sent you an email with more information and a screen recording! Let me know if I can provide any more information. I will also go ahead and report this bug to Apple.

numo68 commented 1 month ago

I can confirm this with MacBook Air M2, 14.4.1, Strongbox 1.59.9. If the iCloud Keychain is disabled for Autofill, neither is Strongbox used. If I enable iCloud, Strongbox starts working. Looks more like a MacOS bug to me...

pictosun commented 1 month ago

Is someone on the new Sonoma beta? If it as macOS bug maybe the issue is already solved?

strongbox-mark commented 1 month ago

Hi all, this is likely a Safari bug, so please make sure to report it there:

And perhaps on their public forums too.

pictosun commented 1 month ago

Just a short updateā€¦ Tried it with newest Sonoma update 14.5 but the issue is still there. So not working at all.

So all we can do is waiting for an update from Apple? No other way around? Actually a really stupid situation as I cannot use Strongbox as it should beā€¦ Donā€™t get it why it is working for some and not for all users?

strongbox-mark commented 1 month ago

The only thing we can do is make sure Apple is aware of the issue, outside of that there's nothing we can do. I'm going to close this one as it is not a Strongbox issue.

pictosun commented 1 month ago

Thanks Mark. But what I donā€™t understand is, why youā€™re not leaving the bug open so that others can find it over here? Itā€™s a big point for all of us having this issue as itā€™s a major degradation of the service and how to use Strongbox together with macOS (Safari).

Toasted149 commented 1 month ago

I have Strongbox Pro 1.59.11 and MacOS Sonoma 14.5 running on a M2 Mac mini. With iCloud Keychain turned off and Strongbox turned on, Strongbox and Apple's Autofill is behaving as it should. Screenshot 2024-05-18 at 2 43 07ā€ÆPM

example: Screenshot 2024-05-18 at 2 36 27ā€ÆPM copy

Maybe it has been fixed for everyone.

pictosun commented 1 month ago

Maybe it has been fixed for everyone.

Could you please try it with a website where you don't have any login credentials set. The issue comes up, when not having a vault entry for a website.

Toasted149 commented 1 month ago

Could you please try it with a website where you don't have any login credentials set. The issue comes up, when not having a vault entry for a website.

OK I did that. The problem did arise when the site being accessed does not have login credentials set. For me neither iCloud Keychain nor strongbox functions if keychain is off in password options. So not fixed. Sigh.

EDIT UPDATE: However, with iCloud Keychain turned on (in Password Options) the behaviour of a site that I do not have credentials set for is like this: Screenshot 2024-05-18 at 8 44 36ā€ÆPM

If I then choose Strongbox I get the dialog which allows me to create a new set of credentials: Screenshot 2024-05-18 at 8 44 59ā€ÆPM Having created new credential and stored in in Strongbox I can use those credentials to populate a new user account at the website.

It's probably less than ideal that both iCloud Keychain and Strongbox comes up and needs one to select Strongbox to continue but this behaviour is OK by me.

Mind you, this does not seem to be the same behaviour that the OP Maxence-v was reporting.... (which would not be acceptable at all).... in that case that person gets Apple keychain and not Strongbox.... I get neither ... turning off iCloud Keychain seems to turn off autofill entirely for me. ie both Keychain and Strongbox Autofill doesn't work - but only for a site for which no credentials are set. Other sites work fine.

Toasted149 commented 1 month ago

In case it helps, iOS behaves in a similar way. Moreover, if I use google password manager instead of strongbox I find that Google behaves the same way that strongbox does... ie: turning off keychain disables google password manager (even though Google Manager is selected to be on)

pictosun commented 1 month ago

@Toasted149 Thanks for your feedback and all the details. But @strongbox-mark said it should actually work this way? So quite confusing. I also found some reports that everything is working fine for others? So it looks like something else is wrong here?

awkimball commented 1 month ago

While I am aware this is likely an Apple bug, just for clarity's sake I would like to point out that my issue is slightly different from @pictosun 's. As long as iCloud Keychain autofill is turned off, the autofill dialog fails to appear even when I am on a site that has a vault entry. Also for context, only having this issue on an Intel Mac on Ventura. All of my Apple silicon macs on Sonoma work fine.

Will update to the newest strongbox version today and retest though

strongbox-mark commented 1 month ago

Just to be clear, this is extremely unlikely to be anything to do with Strongbox, but it's important to post your Safari version numbers too rather than just macOS version numbers. It's likely a Safari issue, and it should be raised with Apple.

You can check that it's not just Strongbox by using another password manager that plugs into the Password AutoFill system, e.g., as mentioned above Google's Password Manager which appears to exhibit the same behaviour.

Unfortunatly, there are likely a few different issues getting confused in this bug, I think @Maxence-v was a different issue than what @pictosun is seeing.

@pictosun - It's worth experimenting with things to see if you can get it working. e.g. do you have any entries in your iCloud Keychain? If not, add some, does it change things? If so, remove some/all, does it change things. These are all things you can report to Apple and in particular Ricky Mondello who is in charge of Password AutoFill over there.

It is strange that only a small subset of people are affected so it might be Safari versions or something specific about the iCloud Keychain etc. Maybe worth experimenting with Safari Technology Preview also...

pictosun commented 1 month ago

@strongbox-mark Thanks for your feedback. I did try different stuff. Do have entries in my iCloud keychain. Adding and/or deleting some didn't change anything. Creating a new user account with a fully empty keychain and Strongbox only at my system didn't help at all. Safari for macOS Version 17.5 (19618.

Toasted149 commented 1 month ago

@strongbox-mark I have Safari Version 17.5 (19618., same as you @pictosun. Strongbox Pro 1.59.11 MacOS Sonoma 14.5 running on a M2 Mac mini

Described my previous posts... in summary: turning off iCloud Keychain will turn off autofill entirely for me. ie both Keychain and Strongbox Autofill doesn't work - but only for a site for which no credentials are set. Sites with credentials work fine with iCloud Keychain off. With iCloud Keychain on credentialed and non-credentialed sites work fine for me.

Yesterday, I reported the problem to Apple at the link provided. maybe that helps.

pictosun commented 1 month ago

report to Apple and in particular Ricky Mondello who is in charge of Password AutoFill over there.

Maybe someone can report it to him? Is he maybe on X or Mastodon, so that someone can give him a hint that something is going wrong over here? No one reporting from Google as their PW manager is facing the same issues?

SaemuFaraday commented 1 month ago

Same issue here on Ventura on Macbook 2017 13.6. Autofill is extensions enabled and toggled in Keychain however it still does not work on safari.

strongbox-mark commented 1 month ago

Hi @SaemuFaraday - Safari version number please, and can you ensure you are seeing the same behaviour as the users above:

Otherwise you may have a different issue and you should file it separately, or just drop a line to

pictosun commented 6 days ago

Any update here? Maybe working with Sequoia?

pictosun commented 5 days ago

@strongbox-mark Hi. Can you tell if new MacOS Sequoia will solve those issues, or is it the same over there like within Sonoma?

strongbox-mark commented 5 days ago

Hi @pictosun - I have no news for you here, this isn't something I've had time to check, but I also can't reproduce this on regular Sonoma. I will update here if I hear anything else.

pictosun commented 5 days ago

... but I also can't reproduce this on regular Sonoma. I will update here if I hear anything else.

Thanks for your feedback. Just tried it with another MacOS Sonoma machine and getting the same issues. Already tried it on 3 different machines and cannot understand what's going wrong over here, as it does work with other machines?

pictosun commented 5 days ago

@strongbox-mark Here you say, that it doesn't work? I'm confused: and also a link to apple forums:

strongbox-mark commented 5 days ago

Hi @pictosun - This used to be an issue, Apple fixed it about 6-9 months ago if I remember correctly.

pictosun commented 5 days ago

@strongbox-mark Thanks for the feedback. So something must be going on why it does not work for some people, but for others... Do you maybe have the fix or discussion about this issue from Apple somewhere, so that I can investigate further. For me/us it's really annoying and confusing to use Strongbox while letting iCloud Keychain activated...

pictosun commented 4 days ago

Today I tried Safari Tec. Preview Version - but the issue is still there. So this also doesn't help and it must be some issue within macOS itself, as other password managers do have the same issue.

Sad to see.