strongloop-archive / bacn

DEPRECATED Command-line tools for cooking a stack of Bacn.
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Add cordova as a peerdep? #1

Open ritch opened 10 years ago

ritch commented 10 years ago

After installing bacn and creating a project. Running bacn build complains about cordova. Is it possible to have cordova installed alongside bacn?

Ω bacn build
[Error: No platforms added! `cordova platform add <platform>` to add a platform.]
Ω cordova
bash: cordova: command not found
Schoonology commented 10 years ago

bacn build complained because we failed to add iOS as a client platform. This is most likely because you're missing the SDK. If there's one thing that's lacking in bacn, it's error messaging.

Cordova is not installed as a peer dependency to not conflict with existing installs (see our conversation from the npm-ized CLI discussion). We require a specific version of cordova that we know works and works with our generated code.

seanbrookes commented 10 years ago

fwiw I ended up running the following plugins as well to get up and running yesterday. Will those also come with inclusion of the iOS platform?

cordova plugin add cordova plugin add cordova plugin add cordova plugin add cordova plugin add

Schoonology commented 10 years ago

They should, yes.

On Fri, Nov 15, 2013 at 6:27 PM, Sean Brookes notifications@github.comwrote:

fwiw I ended up running the following plugins as well to get up and running yesterday. Will those also come with inclusion of the iOS platform?

cordova plugin add cordova plugin add cordova plugin add cordova plugin add cordova plugin add

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sam-github commented 10 years ago

Can't you specify the specific version you depend on in the peerDep?

Schoonology commented 10 years ago

I'm not sure how that interacts with existing installs, but I suppose that can be investigated. The surprise for most people will be that we only support a specific version, 2.8, and none newer than that.

sam-github commented 10 years ago

With existing, I'd expect it to warn you that its not compatible. My expectations of npm are not always met. Anyhow, I'm just kibitzing.