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Filter not working correctly #3593

Closed sskhokhar closed 5 years ago

sskhokhar commented 7 years ago

Consider the following model definition:

Model A:

"properties": {
        "initiatorId": {
            "type": "any"   //ID of another model
        "sharedUserId": {
            "type": "any"  //ID of another model

When I apply filter to model A in explorer like

{"where" : {"initiatorId" : "123123123"}}

I get the results but when I apply this filter

{"where" : {"sharedUserId" : "44553322"}}

I get empty array

Even this behavior is seen in filter like

{"where" : {"and" : [ {"initiatorId" : "123123123"},{"sharedUserId" : "44553322"}]}}

I get empty array.

I tried changing data types from "any" to "string" but still it doesn't work Please suggest me something on this.

sebastianfelipe commented 7 years ago

What endpoint are you using this filter?

sskhokhar commented 7 years ago

Hi, Sorry for late reply. Actually this is happening almost on every endpoint and in every project I use loopback. I dont know why this happens. I am not sure whether to use "String" or "Any" datatype to store MongoID.

stale[bot] commented 7 years ago

This issue has been automatically marked as stale because it has not had recent activity. It will be closed if no further activity occurs. Thank you for your contributions.

sunnyspan commented 7 years ago

Got similar issue, when I use {"where":{"id":XX}} it returns the correct result. But when I try other clause like ("where":{"itemId":AAA}} it returns empty array. Further test the id clause with some invalid id i.e. {"where":{"id":YY}}, it incorrectly return an array of full result including all items. I'm using loopback 3.8.0

pradeep4sure commented 7 years ago

Got similar issue, using orgId in Content as foreign key of id in Organisation collection. Using Content.find({where:{ orgId }}) returning [] empty array. Getting results when using other fields like Content.find({where:{ name }}).

jasoncys commented 6 years ago

Got similar issue. Here are the details:

Custom Participant model inherited from the built-in User with the following attributes:

    "user_type": {
      "type": "string",
      "required": true
    "parentUserId": {
      "type": "string"

where parentUserId is populated with

Receive empty array ([]) where queried using http://localhost:3000/api/Participants?filter={"where":{"parentUserId":"<id set by using>"}}&access_token="<access_token>". No problem if "parentUserId" is replaced with "id" along with the corresponding id value.

If used with "WHERE" instead of "where", it returns all entities in Participants.

Please help. Thanks.

obo20 commented 6 years ago

i'm receiving this exact issue as well. Has anybody found a way around this?

jonathan-casarrubias commented 6 years ago

I suddenly started to present this issue as well,

{"where": { "chainId": "598c71f8a61ed73d00756212"}}

it returns empty array :(. I believe this will be a datasource-juggler issue.

sskhokhar commented 6 years ago

The workaround to this problem is to use "Like" clause. e.g

{"where" : {"chainId" : { "like" : "598c71f8a61ed73d00756212"}}}

I hope this helps you all.

jasoncys commented 6 years ago

@sskhokhar It works.

sunnyspan commented 6 years ago

Unfortunately the "like" clause workaround doesn't work in my case

bajtos commented 6 years ago

Hello, thank you all for participating in this discussion. Our bandwidth is very limited, therefore it would tremendously help us if somebody could create a sample application that will reproduce the issue - ideally a test that seeds the database with the necessary data, makes the HTTP call(s) and asserts the expected result. See The simpler the test cause you can come up with, the easier it will be to identify the root cause.

alexthewilde commented 6 years ago

I've encountered the same issue: if you want to filter by {where: { somePropertyId: id }} then somePropertyId needs to be an ObjectId or it will return an empty array.

My mistake has been to declare somePropertyId with type:string in the model json. As soon as I removed the property and instead declared a relation on someProperty, loopback automatically generates somePropertyId with the correct ObjectId type.

suisun2015 commented 6 years ago

I occasionally face such problems, too.

petrgazarov commented 6 years ago

Hi all,

Here is a simple app which reproduces the issue using mongodb connector:

Mongodb connector automatically converts string properties that look like ids to ObjectID types. This is documented in the docs.

So then

  1. a simple where filter such as { "where": { "referenceId": "5a8c71cb3b800d0001f9b146" } } returns an empty array.

  2. a filter where referenceId does not have a default id format works as expected: { "where": { "referenceId": "1234" } }.

When I set strictObjectIDCoercion flag to true in model definition file, both filters worked as expected. This flag prevents default coercion to ObjectID type.

  "name": "myModelName",
  "base": "PersistedModel",
  "idInjection": false,
  "options": {
    "validateUpsert": true,
    "strictObjectIDCoercion": true

Loopback docs should probably mention this gotcha as it is not clear that not setting this flag breaks the where filter.

stale[bot] commented 6 years ago

This issue has been automatically marked as stale because it has not had recent activity. It will be closed if no further activity occurs. Thank you for your contributions.

choychris commented 6 years ago

@petrgazarov Thank you so much for pointing out. Was facing the same issue and using an hour to figure out how to fix it. Saved my day !

Edit: It happens occasionally, for some models I do not add "strictObjectIDCoercion": true, the issue does not appear. While for some models which is no problem previously, then the issue suddenly appear. This is weird.

AliMirlou commented 6 years ago

@petrgazarov Shouldn't this flag be true by default in a web framework? This behavior is actually dangerous!

anupammaurya commented 5 years ago

Yes where in string works for me!

"where": {query: detailsResult}{
          fields: ['first_name', 'last_name', 'number'],
          order: 'id',
          "where": {lockerId: results.findStudentDetails[0].lockerId},
        }, (err, result) => {
         console.log('result...:', result);
          return callback(null, result);
shashijangir commented 5 years ago

in Loopback 4 this is not working. { filter: { where: { memberId: userId , status: 1 } } };

shashijangir commented 5 years ago

i did try to make it ObjectId also but it does not work.

sebastianfelipe commented 5 years ago

LoopBack 3 still failing

webocs commented 5 years ago

This works in LB3, but it doesn't make sense IMO. There are two possible things going on here, doc is wrong and doesn't state that findOne needs an object with the filter property or doc is correct and findOne is bugged.

{ filter: { where: { memberId: userId , status: 1 } } };

It'd be nice to have a confirmation on this issue so we can either fix the docs or fix the issue.

luisalejandrofigueredo commented 5 years ago

dont use where only { "id":2} work fine

laxmi1707 commented 5 years ago

The workaround to this problem is to use "Like" clause. e.g

{"where" : {"chainId" : { "like" : "598c71f8a61ed73d00756212"}}}

I hope this helps you all.

It worked for me

stale[bot] commented 5 years ago

This issue has been automatically marked as stale because it has not had recent activity. It will be closed if no further activity occurs. Thank you for your contributions.

stale[bot] commented 5 years ago

This issue has been closed due to continued inactivity. Thank you for your understanding. If you believe this to be in error, please contact one of the code owners, listed in the CODEOWNERS file at the top-level of this repository.

mitchelangelo commented 5 years ago

I am having the same issue it only seems to occur for integers when I went into the model and changed the attribute in question to a string [where] works as expected.

Maniarasan commented 4 years ago

I have the same issue. I have used the work around to use "like" temporarily. I have attached the package.json file to identify if package versions has got anything to do with it.

{ "name": "watersense", "version": "1.0.0", "description": "watersense", "keywords": [ "loopback-application", "loopback" ], "main": "index.js", "engines": { "node": ">=10" }, "nodemonConfig": { "ignore": [ "**/*.test.ts", "**/*.spec.ts", ".git", "node_modules" ], "watch": [ "src" ], "exec": "npm start", "ext": "ts" }, "scripts": { "build": "lb-tsc", "build:watch": "lb-tsc --watch", "clean": "lb-clean dist *.tsbuildinfo", "lint": "npm run prettier:check && npm run eslint", "lint:fix": "npm run eslint:fix && npm run prettier:fix", "prettier:cli": "lb-prettier \"**/*.ts\" \"**/*.js\"", "prettier:check": "npm run prettier:cli -- -l", "prettier:fix": "npm run prettier:cli -- --write", "eslint": "lb-eslint --report-unused-disable-directives .", "eslint:fix": "npm run eslint -- --fix", "pretest": "npm run clean && npm run build", "test": "lb-mocha --allow-console-logs \"dist/__tests__\"", "posttest": "npm run lint", "test:dev": "lb-mocha --allow-console-logs dist/__tests__/**/*.js && npm run posttest", "docker:build": "docker build -t watersense .", "docker:run": "docker run -p 3000:3000 -d watersense", "migrate": "node ./dist/migrate", "prestart": "npm run build", "start": "npm run prettier:fix && node -r source-map-support/register .", "dev": "nodemon --watch src --ignore 'src/**/*.spec.ts' --exec npm start", "prepublishOnly": "npm run test" }, "repository": { "type": "git" }, "author": "", "license": "", "files": [ "", "index.js", "index.d.ts", "dist", "src", "!*/__tests__" ], "dependencies": { "@loopback/authentication": "^4.2.5", "@loopback/boot": "^2.0.2", "@loopback/context": "^3.8.1", "@loopback/core": "^2.2.0", "@loopback/openapi-v3": "^3.1.1", "@loopback/repository": "^2.0.2", "@loopback/rest": "^3.1.0", "@loopback/rest-explorer": "^2.0.2", "@loopback/service-proxy": "^2.0.2", "@types/jsonwebtoken": "8.3.9", "axios": "^0.19.2", "bcryptjs": "2.4.3", "isemail": "3.2.0", "jsonwebtoken": "8.5.1", "loopback-connector-mongodb": "5.0.1", "openapi-to-graphql-cli": "^2.1.0", "tslib": "^1.10.0" }, "devDependencies": { "@loopback/build": "^5.0.0", "@loopback/eslint-config": "^6.0.2", "@loopback/testlab": "^2.0.2", "@types/bcryptjs": "2.4.2", "@types/node": "^10.17.17", "@typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin": "^2.25.0", "@typescript-eslint/parser": "^2.25.0", "eslint": "^6.8.0", "eslint-config-prettier": "^6.10.1", "eslint-plugin-eslint-plugin": "^2.2.1", "eslint-plugin-mocha": "^6.3.0", "nodemon": "^2.0.4", "source-map-support": "^0.5.16", "typescript": "~3.8.3" } }

flaviogoncalves commented 4 years ago

I got to work in this way[where][domain]=domain100

without quotes in loopback4

AmanMandloi commented 3 years ago

Hi all,

Here is a simple app which reproduces the issue using mongodb connector:

Mongodb connector automatically converts string properties that look like ids to ObjectID types. This is documented in the docs.

So then

  1. a simple where filter such as { "where": { "referenceId": "5a8c71cb3b800d0001f9b146" } } returns an empty array.
  2. a filter where referenceId does not have a default id format works as expected: { "where": { "referenceId": "1234" } }.

When I set strictObjectIDCoercion flag to true in model definition file, both filters worked as expected. This flag prevents default coercion to ObjectID type.

  "name": "myModelName",
  "base": "PersistedModel",
  "idInjection": false,
  "options": {
    "validateUpsert": true,
    "strictObjectIDCoercion": true

Loopback docs should probably mention this gotcha as it is not clear that not setting this flag breaks the where filter.

Thanks this worked for me also.