strongloop / loopback

LoopBack makes it easy to build modern applications that require complex integrations.
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Support #445

Closed conrad-vanl closed 7 years ago

conrad-vanl commented 9 years ago

Is there any way, or plans, to configure how JSON responses (and therefore requests) are serialized? For instance, it would be very nice to support a standard, such as so that clients can take advantage of generalized tooling. Looking at the current API, it would appear to me the biggest thing would be for models to be serialized in root objects...


   "user": {
      "id": "...",
      "name": "Conrad"

As opposed to:

   "id": "...",
   "name": "Conrad"

There would also be other considerations in how associations and relations are serialized.

meng-zhang commented 9 years ago


imjoshholloway commented 9 years ago

+1 for this

ritch commented 9 years ago

You can modify sharedMethods to have data returned like you showed above. In 2.x this is possible by modifying sharedMethod.returns.

var sharedMethod = MyModel.sharedClass.find('findById', true);
sharedMethod.returns[0].root = false;

Although I don't think this is a good long term solution. I think we should add the ability to define a global response format setting. What would be helpful is to know what other formats are useful.

ritch commented 9 years ago

As far as supporting jsonapi, I'd like to see what else we need to change and if we can maintain computability with 2.x. Maybe a jsonapi flag that would modify all the right settings to support conventions?

eabruzzese commented 9 years ago


bemosior commented 9 years ago

+1 as well.

alagunambi commented 9 years ago

+1, integration with ember apps would be cake walk if implemented.

kaizhu256 commented 9 years ago


bradplank commented 9 years ago

+1, and happy Ember developers we would be!

bajtos commented 9 years ago

Does Ember include application/vnd.api+json in the accepts headers of the request?

strong-remoting can already serve different response depending on what the client accepts, it should be reasonably easy to add a new case for application/vnd.api+json - see strong-remoting/lib/http-context.js

The difficult part is how to determine the name of the root key (e.g. user for User.findById, users for User.find, but also category for Product.__get__category).

bradplank commented 9 years ago

By default, Ember uses the following in the request header: Accept:application/json, text/javascript, */*; q=0.01

However, the RESTAdapter can easily be extended to add application/vnd.api+json as an Accept header.

For the root key, wouldn't the model's name / plural name be used? I see the difficulty with the hasManyThrough relationship, as the API explorer shows the incorrect model. (I've been meaning to see if I could fix that issue.)

bajtos commented 9 years ago

For the root key, wouldn't the model's name / plural name be used? I see the difficulty with the hasManyThrough relationship, as the API explorer shows the incorrect model. (I've been meaning to see if I could fix that issue.)

I would make the initial implementation easier if we could use a constant key name. The jsonapi spec explicitly supports that:

The primary resource(s) SHOULD be keyed either by their resource type or the generic key "data".

Does Ember support this too?

bradplank commented 9 years ago

Unfortunately, it seems Ember does not treat the generic key 'data' as a special key. I reviewed the code, and tested just to make sure. The following error message is generated as there is no 'data' model defined:

Uncaught Error: Assertion Failed: Error: No model was found for 'datum'

[NOTE: I am currently using Ember version 1.7.0, however, I do not see any changes in 1.8.1 that would use the generic key 'data'.]

sergiolepore commented 9 years ago

@bradplank hmm... Seems like the Ember Inflector is trying to pluralize the word "data". Try this:

seriousben commented 9 years ago


seriousben commented 9 years ago

jsonapi will soon hit 1.0 and only backward compatible changes are planned after that. If Loopback started supporting it, it would make it very interesting to companies.

BenjaminHorn commented 9 years ago


Panman82 commented 9 years ago

Now that json api is 1.0, is there any further news on loopback support? And to note, there is strong movement ATM to make Ember Data natively handle json api.

sahin commented 8 years ago


sahin commented 8 years ago

IS there any update on this?

Keeo commented 8 years ago


raiskila commented 8 years ago

Very interested in this!

adamdilek commented 8 years ago


digitalsadhu commented 8 years ago

+1 :+1:

digitalsadhu commented 8 years ago

I've begun writing a bootscript to add jsonapi support. Couple questions: @bajtos @ritch

bajtos commented 8 years ago

Is it possible to modify the list of content type options in the loopback explorer?

ATM, it's not possible to customise the list of content types at route (method) level - see

However, you can customise this list at global level via options.consumes and options.produces passed to loopback-component-explorer, see

JSON API specifies the use of PATCH instead of PUT. Is it possible to modify loopback explorer to send PATCHs in place of PUTs?

LoopBack explorer sends exactly the same HTTP verb which is specified in remoting metadata and used by the rest adapter. You should modify remoting data of your methods to specify a different HTTP verb (method), loopback-explorer will then pick it up automatically.

digitalsadhu commented 8 years ago

Legend @bajtos, thanks!

bajtos commented 8 years ago

Legend @bajtos, thanks!

You are welcome :)

As for customising list of content-types at route (method) level, it's not implemented yet but I am happy to land such patch if you (or somebody else) would be interested in contributing the enhancement.

digitalsadhu commented 8 years ago

My main hope is to be able to make all Jsonapi support changes from a boot script so that anyone could drop the boot script into a loopback app and have instant json API support. I'm about 70% done I think with pretty complete output support including relationships and some basic create delete and update support. With your suggestions above I should be able to get things mostly there but I want to polish, add tests, figure out the best way to release it as a loopback add on etc.

When you say at route level is not yet supported, would that mean it's not possible to modify at a boot script level yet?

digitalsadhu commented 8 years ago

Ps, @bajtos I'd be happy to work toward converting from a boot script to adding to core if I can get some suggestions where/how best to do that.

drewclauson commented 8 years ago

@digitalsadhu :+1:

bajtos commented 8 years ago

When you say at route level is not yet supported, would that mean it's not possible to modify at a boot script level yet?

Yes, it's not possible to change the list of content types at a boot script level now. The change should be pretty easy, we need to extend loopback-swagger to read consumes/produces from remoting metadata of each method (if it's provided).

If your module exported function(app, options), then it could be registered via server/component-config.json and people would not have to copy any files at all.

I'd be happy to work toward converting from a boot script to adding to core if I can get some suggestions where/how best to do that.

Cool! Let's see what you come up with in the form of a boot script (or component) and then we can take a look what's the best way for bringing this into core.

digitalsadhu commented 8 years ago

Ok nice. Will keep at it and report back.

digitalsadhu commented 8 years ago

I've created a loopback component called loopback-component-jsonapi and put my work on this so far there.

Here's the repo:

I'd love help from anyone else interested in seeing this completed.

digitalsadhu commented 8 years ago

@bajtos I tried the naive approach of:

remotes.methods().forEach(function (method) {
  if (method.http.verb === 'put') {
    method.http.verb = 'patch';

This seems to get me part the way there with some methods showing up as PATCH in the explorer. Relationship updates and such are still PUT eg. cat.prototype.linkdogs is still PUT as is cat.prototype.updateByIddogs

Any chance you could shed some light on what I'm not quite understanding?


bajtos commented 8 years ago

@digitalsadhu IIRC, relation methods are set up in a later turn of the event loop, only after the model has been attached to a datasource. IIRC you can listen for Model.on('attached') to get notified about that.

digitalsadhu commented 8 years ago

ohh, k cheers, will pursue that

digitalsadhu commented 8 years ago

@bajtos I tried this:

module.exports = function(Cat) {
  Cat.on('attached', function () {
    var remotes =
    remotes.methods().forEach(function (method) {
      if (method.http.verb === 'put') {
        method.http.verb = 'patch';

No change in behaviour. Was this what you were thinking?

digitalsadhu commented 8 years ago

@bajtos I've been digging into this using node inspector and finding the following (can you shed any light?) in the chrome console:

remotes = app.remotes();
rm13 = remotes.methods()[13]
> SharedMethod
rm13.http.verb = "patch"

I thought remotes() was a singleton and would always return the same objects? It seems that calling it a second time returns objects that have relationship methods returned to "put"

Welcome any advice...

UPDATE Several hours of node inspecting later and it looks to me like each time you run app.remotes().methods(), the relationship methods get redefined (eg. here This redefining only happens for relationship remote methods such as cats/:id/dog/:id

I was able to show this by first calling app.remotes().methods() and watching strong remotings shared method module and see the shared methods all get created for all remote methods. A subsequent call to app.remotes().methods() showed only the relationship remote methods being recreated which the other remote methods are returned unchanged.

So as far as I can tell this means it's currently just not possible to use a boot script or component to overwrite the http verb (of relationship remote methods) as any later calls to app.remotes().methods() will overwrite changes.

bajtos commented 8 years ago

@digitalsadhu I thought remotes() was a singleton and would always return the same objects?

AFAICT, remotes returns the same singleton:

When it comes to methods(), it creates a new array every time, but that should be still ok.

I'd say the problem is in SharedClass.prototype.methods() which builds new SharedMethod objects for each remoted function that was not registered via the new 2.x API - this is in order to preserve backwards compatibility with strong-remoting@1.x apps and I guess relation methods are registered this way.

I think you'll have to iterate through all functions on each model & its prototype and fix remoting metadata there (see


// mockup, I did not test it myself
app.models().forEach(function(m) {
  eachRemoteFunctionInObject(m, fixHttpMethod);
  eachRemoteFunctionInObject(m.prototype, fixHttpMethod);

function fixHttpMethod(fn, name) {
  if (fn.http && fn.http.verb.toLowerCase() === 'put') fn.http.verb = 'patch';

// copy implementation of eachRemoteFunctionInObject() from strong-remoting's lib/shared-class.js

If this code proves to be the correct solution, then we can investigate how to improve strong-remoting's API to allow you to iterate all remote functions in a way that allows you to modify their remoting metada, regardless of the way how they are defined.

bajtos commented 8 years ago

@digitalsadhu the example code above patches only the relation (strong-remoting@1.x) functions, you will still have to iterate through app.remotes().methods() to patch the functions defined in the new style.

digitalsadhu commented 8 years ago

@bajtos Looks like your approach wont quite work. Debugging through sharedClass here:

// static methods
  eachRemoteFunctionInObject(ctor, function(fn, name) {
//breakpoint set here is never hit
    if (functionIndex.indexOf(fn) === -1) {
    } else {
      var sharedMethod = find(methods, fn);
    methods.push(SharedMethod.fromFunction(fn, name, sc, true));

  // instance methods
  eachRemoteFunctionInObject(ctor.prototype, function(fn, name) {
//breakpoint set here is never hit
    if (functionIndex.indexOf(fn) === -1) {
    } else {
      var sharedMethod = find(methods, fn);
    methods.push(SharedMethod.fromFunction(fn, name, sc));

The eachRemoteFunctionInObject method never gets called. Actually ever so far as I can tell... In all my debugging with a breakpoint inside the callback from eachRemoteFunctionInObject i've never seen it get hit...

What seems to be the key to setting up the relations is the resolver is this:

//at this point methods = []

// resolvers
this._resolvers.forEach(function(resolver) {, _define.bind(sc, methods)); 

//at this point methods is an array of relationship remote methods

Before that is called methods is an empty array. Afterwards the relationship remote methods have been setup. It resets these up each time you call methods() starting with the ModelCtor.relations definitions. I'm still chasing this approach down and hoping theres some way I can get in to redefine the verb before the resolvers are run

digitalsadhu commented 8 years ago

@bajtos It looks to me like at present because the relationship methods are recreated on the fly each time .methods() is called, the only way to do this right now is to overwrite the relationship methods on the Model class in loopback since thats where the remote method definitions are. See:

The define method is passed in from strong remotings sharedClass but the definitions are hard coded in methods like Model.hasOneRemoting and its from there that the remote methods are created each time you call methods()

digitalsadhu commented 8 years ago

@bajtos It looks to me like at present because the relationship methods are recreated on the fly each time .methods() is called, the only way to do this right now is to overwrite the relationship methods on the Model class in loopback since thats where the remote method definitions are. See:

The define method is passed in from strong remotings sharedClass but the definitions are hard coded in methods like Model.hasOneRemoting and its from there that the remote methods are created each time you call methods()

Final working solution, basically duplicate a tonne of code out of model.js just to change "put" to "patch"

function convertNullToNotFoundError(toModelName, ctx, cb) {
  if (ctx.result !== null) return cb();

  var fk = ctx.getArgByName('fk');
  var msg = 'Unknown "' + toModelName + '" id "' + fk + '".';
  var error = new Error(msg);
  error.statusCode = error.status = 404;
  error.code = 'MODEL_NOT_FOUND';

function fixHttpMethod(fn, name) {
  if (fn.http && fn.http.verb && fn.http.verb.toLowerCase() === 'put') fn.http.verb = 'patch';

module.exports = function (app, options) {
  app.models().forEach(function(ctor) {
    ctor.hasOneRemoting = function(relationName, relation, define) {
      var pathName = (relation.options.http && relation.options.http.path) || relationName;
      var toModelName = relation.modelTo.modelName;

      define('__get__' + relationName, {
        isStatic: false,
        http: {verb: 'get', path: '/' + pathName},
        accepts: {arg: 'refresh', type: 'boolean', http: {source: 'query'}},
        description: 'Fetches hasOne relation ' + relationName + '.',
        accessType: 'READ',
        returns: {arg: relationName, type: relation.modelTo.modelName, root: true},
        rest: {after: convertNullToNotFoundError.bind(null, toModelName)}

      define('__create__' + relationName, {
        isStatic: false,
        http: {verb: 'post', path: '/' + pathName},
        accepts: {arg: 'data', type: toModelName, http: {source: 'body'}},
        description: 'Creates a new instance in ' + relationName + ' of this model.',
        accessType: 'WRITE',
        returns: {arg: 'data', type: toModelName, root: true}

      define('__update__' + relationName, {
        isStatic: false,
        http: {verb: 'patch', path: '/' + pathName},
        accepts: {arg: 'data', type: toModelName, http: {source: 'body'}},
        description: 'Update ' + relationName + ' of this model.',
        accessType: 'WRITE',
        returns: {arg: 'data', type: toModelName, root: true}

      define('__destroy__' + relationName, {
        isStatic: false,
        http: {verb: 'delete', path: '/' + pathName},
        description: 'Deletes ' + relationName + ' of this model.',
        accessType: 'WRITE'

    ctor.hasManyRemoting = function(relationName, relation, define) {
      var pathName = (relation.options.http && relation.options.http.path) || relationName;
      var toModelName = relation.modelTo.modelName;

      var findByIdFunc = this.prototype['__findById__' + relationName];
      define('__findById__' + relationName, {
        isStatic: false,
        http: {verb: 'get', path: '/' + pathName + '/:fk'},
        accepts: {arg: 'fk', type: 'any',
          description: 'Foreign key for ' + relationName, required: true,
          http: {source: 'path'}},
        description: 'Find a related item by id for ' + relationName + '.',
        accessType: 'READ',
        returns: {arg: 'result', type: toModelName, root: true},
        rest: {after: convertNullToNotFoundError.bind(null, toModelName)}
      }, findByIdFunc);

      var destroyByIdFunc = this.prototype['__destroyById__' + relationName];
      define('__destroyById__' + relationName, {
        isStatic: false,
        http: {verb: 'delete', path: '/' + pathName + '/:fk'},
        accepts: {arg: 'fk', type: 'any',
          description: 'Foreign key for ' + relationName, required: true,
          http: {source: 'path'}},
        description: 'Delete a related item by id for ' + relationName + '.',
        accessType: 'WRITE',
        returns: []
      }, destroyByIdFunc);

      var updateByIdFunc = this.prototype['__updateById__' + relationName];
      define('__updateById__' + relationName, {
        isStatic: false,
        http: {verb: 'patch', path: '/' + pathName + '/:fk'},
        accepts: [
          {arg: 'fk', type: 'any',
            description: 'Foreign key for ' + relationName, required: true,
            http: {source: 'path'}},
          {arg: 'data', type: toModelName, http: {source: 'body'}}
        description: 'Update a related item by id for ' + relationName + '.',
        accessType: 'WRITE',
        returns: {arg: 'result', type: toModelName, root: true}
      }, updateByIdFunc);

      if (relation.modelThrough || relation.type === 'referencesMany') {
        var modelThrough = relation.modelThrough || relation.modelTo;

        var accepts = [];
        if (relation.type === 'hasMany' && relation.modelThrough) {
          // Restrict: only hasManyThrough relation can have additional properties
          accepts.push({arg: 'data', type: modelThrough.modelName, http: {source: 'body'}});

        var addFunc = this.prototype['__link__' + relationName];
        define('__link__' + relationName, {
          isStatic: false,
          http: {verb: 'patch', path: '/' + pathName + '/rel/:fk'},
          accepts: [{arg: 'fk', type: 'any',
            description: 'Foreign key for ' + relationName, required: true,
            http: {source: 'path'}}].concat(accepts),
          description: 'Add a related item by id for ' + relationName + '.',
          accessType: 'WRITE',
          returns: {arg: relationName, type: modelThrough.modelName, root: true}
        }, addFunc);

        var removeFunc = this.prototype['__unlink__' + relationName];
        define('__unlink__' + relationName, {
          isStatic: false,
          http: {verb: 'delete', path: '/' + pathName + '/rel/:fk'},
          accepts: {arg: 'fk', type: 'any',
            description: 'Foreign key for ' + relationName, required: true,
            http: {source: 'path'}},
          description: 'Remove the ' + relationName + ' relation to an item by id.',
          accessType: 'WRITE',
          returns: []
        }, removeFunc);

        // FIXME: [rfeng] How to map a function with callback(err, true|false) to HEAD?
        // true --> 200 and false --> 404?
        var existsFunc = this.prototype['__exists__' + relationName];
        define('__exists__' + relationName, {
          isStatic: false,
          http: {verb: 'head', path: '/' + pathName + '/rel/:fk'},
          accepts: {arg: 'fk', type: 'any',
            description: 'Foreign key for ' + relationName, required: true,
            http: {source: 'path'}},
          description: 'Check the existence of ' + relationName + ' relation to an item by id.',
          accessType: 'READ',
          returns: {arg: 'exists', type: 'boolean', root: true},
          rest: {
            // After hook to map exists to 200/404 for HEAD
            after: function(ctx, cb) {
              if (ctx.result === false) {
                var modelName =;
                var id = ctx.getArgByName('id');
                var msg = 'Unknown "' + modelName + '" id "' + id + '".';
                var error = new Error(msg);
                error.statusCode = error.status = 404;
                error.code = 'MODEL_NOT_FOUND';
              } else {
        }, existsFunc);

bajtos commented 8 years ago

@digitalsadhu I see. Sorry for offering you a wrong advice.

It makes me wonder if it is possible to override SharedMethod.prototype.methods(), so that you can intercept the returned list of methods and apply the modifications as necessary, without having to duplicate all that code.

// mockup, I did not test it myself
app.models().forEach(function(m) {
  var originalFn = m.sharedClass.methods;
  m.sharedClass.methods = function() {
    var result = originalFn.apply(this, arguments);
    return result;
digitalsadhu commented 8 years ago

Thanks @bajtos. Ill have a look at that. One thing that I've come to realise though (reading and reading json api spec) is that the way loopback does relationships isn't really going to be compatible out of the box with json api. (not as simple as modifying the output and the payloads) I think i'm going to have to add and remove remote methods for relationships to make it work. This probably means that blanket modifying the relationship verbs won't be needed as such.

For relationships

This stuff should stay the same:

has many

GET posts/{id}/comments

has one

GET posts/{id}/author

This stuff needs to be added/changed:

//links an author to a post, may create the author if author doesn't exist (author details specified in payload)
POST /posts/{id}/relationships/author

//links a different author to a post (author details specified in payload including id for author)
PATCH /posts/{id}/relationships/author

//deletes/unlinks an author from a post
DELETE /posts/{id}/relationships/author

So my current thinking now is that I may need to completely disable various loopback methods (theres no support for upsert in JSON API) I may need to change some methods eg. relationship methods like link and unlink. And I may need to add entirely new methods eg. updating relationship links.

It's looking a little bit complex and my plan is to sit down and plan out how it might all look before trying to tackle it once I complete reviewing the basic (non relational) stuff I have already see: and adding tests

tsteuwer commented 8 years ago

@digitalsadhu you are amazing. If loopback could support json api then I know a ton of ember sites that would love to switch over to loopback

digitalsadhu commented 8 years ago

Thanks a lot @tsteuwer ! Progress is going well. Adding tests as we speak (My wife has our little son off for a walk so I'm squeezing in a couple hours work on the project)

digitalsadhu commented 8 years ago

@bajtos Currently bodyparser isn't supporting content-type application/vnd.api+json and ctx.req.body === [] if I don't set content-type specifically to application/json. I wonder what the best way to fix this is? Should I submit a patch to loopback core to support application/vnd.api+json body parsing?

raymondfeng commented 8 years ago

@digitalsadhu You can configure the json body parser so that it can support extra types. See