strongloop / microgateway

IBM API Connect Microgateway framework, built on Node.js & Nginx
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Single docker image for node.js and ngnix #67

Open ozairs opened 7 years ago

ozairs commented 7 years ago

The current API microgateway combines ngnix and node.js using a docker compose file, which results in two separate container instances. We should use a single docker image that runs both processes within a single container. This can be done using supervisord, and still leverage Dockerfile for building each Docker image (node.js & ngnix).

mhamann commented 7 years ago

Maybe. You're then combining a theoretically multi-tenant front-end (nginx) with a decidedly single-tenant backend (node.js microgateway). I suppose it should be possible to run them in a single container, but I doubt if that should be done for anything real-world.

There is also a non-trivial cost in terms of image size and complexity to running supervisord.