strongloop / strong-arc

StrongLoop Arc has been replaced by API Connect. We recommend Arc users move to the Essentials edition of API Connect. If you have questions, please email
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from ARC when deploy to PM - cluster not working for ppc LE #1662

Closed smartmouse closed 8 years ago

smartmouse commented 8 years ago

smoking src on ppc LE SLES 12 with node -.12.x terminal npm install -g strongloop okay npm install loopback-connector-mongodb (some compilation issues with kerboers) slc loopback okay slc arc create model okay create mongdob datasoource okay

terminal B Start a different terminal windows npm install -g strong-pm npm install loopback-connector-mongodb sl -pm

Then terminal A build and deploy to PM (okay) set process to 5. go to process ,manager page -- the process did not set to 5 even we restart cluster (switch between 1 and 0) Also complain missing mongodb-connector

see glist --

and screen capture ppcle1 ppcle2

On the arc side:(terminal A)

ivyho2@jtcjs22:/svt/ivyho2/testArc> PORT=60250 slc arc Loading workspace /svt/ivyho2/testArc StrongLoop Arc is running here: http://localhost:60250/#/ Web server listening at: Browse your REST API at Swagger: skipping unknown type "geopoint". Web server listening at: Browse your REST API at loopback-datasource-juggler deprecated Model hook "ManagerHost.beforeCreate" is deprecated, use Operation hooks instead. ../IBMSVT64_12/lib/node_modules/strongloop/node_modules/loopback-datasource-juggler/lib/dao.js:271:9

ivyho2@jtcjs22:/svt/ivyho2/testArc> node -e "console.log(process.config)" { target_defaults: { cflags: [], default_configuration: 'Release', defines: [], include_dirs: [], libraries: [] }, variables: { clang: 0, gcc_version: 48, host_arch: 'ppc64', icu_data_file: 'icudt54l.dat', icu_data_in: '../../deps/icu/source/data/in/icudt54l.dat', icu_endianness: 'l', icu_gyp_path: 'tools/icu/icu-generic.gyp', icu_locales: 'en,root', icu_path: './deps/icu', icu_small: true, icu_ver_major: '54', node_byteorder: 'little', node_install_npm: true, node_prefix: '/', node_shared_cares: false, node_shared_http_parser: false, node_shared_libuv: false, node_shared_openssl: false, node_shared_v8: false, node_shared_zlib: false, node_tag: '-IBMBuild-', node_use_dtrace: false, node_use_etw: false, node_use_mdb: false, node_use_openssl: true, node_use_perfctr: false, openssl_no_asm: 0, python: '/usr/bin/python', target_arch: 'ppc64', uv_library: 'static_library', uv_parent_path: '/deps/uv/', uv_use_dtrace: false, v8_enable_gdbjit: 0, v8_enable_i18n_support: 1, v8_no_strict_aliasing: 1, v8_optimized_debug: 0, v8_random_seed: 0, v8_use_snapshot: false, want_separate_host_toolset: 0 } } ivyho2@jtcjs22:/svt/ivyho2/testArc>

ivyho2@jtcjs22:/svt/ivyho2/testArc> which node /svt/ivyho2/IBMSVT64_12/bin/node ivyho2@jtcjs22:/svt/ivyho2/testArc> which npm /svt/ivyho2/IBMSVT64_12/bin/npm ivyho2@jtcjs22:/svt/ivyho2/testArc> npm config ls -l ; cli configs long = true user-agent = "npm/2.11.3 node/v0.12.7 linux ppc64"

; default values access = null always-auth = false bin-links = true browser = null ca = null cache = "/home/ivyho2/.npm" cache-lock-retries = 10 cache-lock-stale = 60000 cache-lock-wait = 10000 cache-max = null cache-min = 10 cafile = undefined cert = null color = true depth = null description = true dev = false editor = "vi" engine-strict = false fetch-retries = 2 fetch-retry-factor = 10 fetch-retry-maxtimeout = 60000 fetch-retry-mintimeout = 10000 force = false git = "git" git-tag-version = true global = false globalconfig = "/svt/ivyho2/IBMSVT64_12/etc/npmrc" globalignorefile = "/svt/ivyho2/IBMSVT64_12/etc/npmignore" group = 3003 heading = "npm" https-proxy = null if-present = false ignore-scripts = false init-author-email = "" init-author-name = "" init-author-url = "" init-license = "ISC" init-module = "/home/ivyho2/.npm-init.js" init-version = "1.0.0" json = false key = null link = false local-address = undefined loglevel = "warn" ; long = false (overridden) message = "%s" node-version = "0.12.7" npat = false onload-script = null optional = true parseable = false prefix = "/svt/ivyho2/IBMSVT64_12" production = false proprietary-attribs = true proxy = null rebuild-bundle = true registry = "" rollback = true save = false save-bundle = false save-dev = false save-exact = false save-optional = false save-prefix = "^" scope = "" searchexclude = null searchopts = "" searchsort = "name" shell = "/bin/bash" shrinkwrap = true sign-git-tag = false spin = true strict-ssl = true tag = "latest" tag-version-prefix = "v" tmp = "/tmp" umask = 2 unicode = true unsafe-perm = true usage = false user = 3010 ; user-agent = "npm/{npm-version} node/{node-version} {platform} {arch}" (overridden) userconfig = "/home/ivyho2/.npmrc" version = false versions = false viewer = "man"

cgole commented 8 years ago

try it again with npm i --save loopback-connector-mongdb

smartmouse commented 8 years ago

After totally cleaned up and remove .strongloop and .strong-pm, reinstall everything and start from scratch and also save loopback-connector-mongodb to package.json.

The issue has been resolved