strongloop / strong-arc

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Strongloop model.json and config.js missing data after failed connector install #1717

Open Joesimonsen opened 8 years ago

Joesimonsen commented 8 years ago

This Github issue is synchronized with Zendesk:

Ticket ID: #1351 Priority: N/A Group: SL Support Assignee: Samuel Thompson Support Type: prospect Case Type: problem Component: strongloop_suite Severity: CritSit Update: GitHub ID: IBM CIN Number:

Original ticket description:

I'm using a mongo db connector and have about 8 collections

I attempted to install the rest connector to an existing project.
It failed and several of the config JSON files were empty.

Does arc create a backup files somewhere before updating connectors?

I could find any steps to recreate the models for my mongo db collections.

Any pointers would be awesome.

Dan Zeitman

Joesimonsen commented 8 years ago

Comment made from Zendesk by Samuel Thompson on 2016-02-08 at 19:25:

Hi Dan,

I am currently looking to see if there is a solution in Arc, but in the mean time, are you tracking these files in git? If so, you could run the following commands to grab them from the git history:

$ git checkout "HEAD~1" model.json
$ git checkout "HEAD~1" config.json



Joesimonsen commented 8 years ago

Comment made from Zendesk by Dan on 2016-02-08 at 19:41:

Dear Support

I had not start tracking yet. :(

I ended up rebuilding it all. I've had this problem several times in the past, where basically if you try to update an existing project connectors, and there's fail -- in my case a write permission issue on package.json -- it appears to mung up the various config and datasources files.

It would be great if Strongloop would have some sort - fall-back routine that would log out the errors, and then revert to the prior version if a process failed.

Dan Zeitman

Joesimonsen commented 8 years ago

Comment made from Zendesk by Samuel Thompson on 2016-02-08 at 20:43:

Hi Dan,

I am sorry to hear that, I've escalated this to our development teams, hopefully we can find a way to make sure this kind of thing doesn't happen again.

In the mean time, if you can provide specific steps to reproduce this, please let me know as it will help our development team faster fix this issue.



Joesimonsen commented 8 years ago

Comment made from Zendesk by Dan Zeitman on 2016-03-01 at 15:47:

When I create models in Composer, they do not show up on subsequent restarts.
Meantime both the the api and api explorer works. The models, model-config.json is all intact.

Is there a way to force Composer to see the models again?

Other details, I'm using The Mongo db connector. Affects both the in-memory-db and mongo db.

Joesimonsen commented 8 years ago

Comment made from Zendesk by Samuel Thompson on 2016-03-01 at 18:02:

Hi Dan,

Have you tried manually discovering models from a datasource?

Let me know if this helps,


Joesimonsen commented 8 years ago

Comment made from Zendesk by Dan Zeitman on 2016-03-01 at 18:23:

As my ticket states, I'm using Mongo DB, which means there's no manual introspection of the datasource.

Dan Zeitman