strongloop / strong-oracle

Deprecated: Node.js Driver for Oracle databases (Use instead)
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Feature Request - return metadata for query columns #19

Open ericwaldheim opened 9 years ago

ericwaldheim commented 9 years ago

Hello, Over at the Joe Ferner node oracle, I submitted a pull request for this feature:

Is there any interest over here in this feature? I will submit a pull for it here if the answer is yes. Thank you, Eric

raymondfeng commented 9 years ago

Sounds like a good feature. PRs are welcome!

ericwaldheim commented 9 years ago

So I've got a branch that compiles and passes all tests (including new test) on node v0.10.25. It also compiles and passes each test (including new test) individually on node v0.11.14.

However, when running the entire test suite on node v0.11.14 for both the unmodified master and my branch, I get an error: node: double free or corruption: (transcript below). Before I spend time figuring out what's not quite right in my environment, I'd like to confirm that you have the test suite running on v0.11.14. Thank you.

`[wale01/strong-oracle] e01/node-v0.11.14/deps/npm/cli.js test <

strong-oracle@1.2.2 test /wssdev/wale01/strong-oracle mocha -R spec --timeout 10000 test/*.js

oracle driver ✓ should select with single quote (50ms) ✓ should insert with returning value ✓ should support datatypes with valid values ✓ should support datatypes with null values ✓ should support date_types_insert_milliseconds

stored procedures with out params ✓ should support multiple out params ✓ should support numeric out param - occiint ✓ should support numeric out param - occinumber ✓ should support string out param ✓ should support varchar2 out param ✓ should support double out param ✓ should support float out param ✓ should support cursor out param ✓ should support clob out param ✓ should support date timestamp out param ✓ should support blob out param ✓ should support in out params

prepare * glibc detected * node: double free or corruption (fasttop): 0x00007f109002be60 *** ======= Backtrace: ========= /lib64/[0x3a84a76166] node(_ZN4node7smalloc12CallbackInfo12WeakCallbackERKN2v816WeakCallbackDataINS2_6ObjectES1_EE+0xc0)[0xb742f0] node(_ZN2v88internal13GlobalHandles31PostGarbageCollectionProcessingENS0_16GarbageCollectorEPNS0_8GCTracerE+0x15c)[0x8240ac] node(_ZN2v88internal4Heap24PerformGarbageCollectionENS0_16GarbageCollectorEPNS0_8GCTracerENS_15GCCallbackFlagsE+0x246)[0x84f9b6] node(_ZN2v88internal4Heap14CollectGarbageENS0_16GarbageCollectorEPKcS4_NS_15GCCallbackFlagsE+0xe7)[0x850417] node(_ZN2v88internal7Factory26NewUninitializedFixedArrayEi+0x70)[0x807930] node(_ZN2v88internal8JSObject32SetFastElementsCapacityAndLengthENS0_6HandleIS1_EEiiNS1_30SetFastElementsCapacitySmiModeE+0x30)[0x9d2680] node(_ZN2v88internal8JSObject14SetFastElementENS0_6HandleIS1_EEjNS2_INS0_6ObjectEEENS0_10StrictModeEb+0x21f)[0x9d40df] node(_ZN2v88internal8JSObject28SetElementWithoutInterceptorENS0_6HandleIS1_EEjNS2_INS0_6ObjectEEE18PropertyAttributesNS0_10StrictModeEbNS0_15SetPropertyModeE+0x205)[0x9d4d05] node(_ZN2v88internal8JSObject10SetElementENS0_6HandleIS1_EEjNS2_INS0_6ObjectEEE18PropertyAttributesNS0_10StrictModeEbNS0_15SetPropertyModeE+0x24b)[0x9d5dfb] node(_ZN2v86Object3SetEjNS_6HandleINS_5ValueEEE+0x88)[0x756258] /wssdev/wale01/strong-oracle/build/Release/oracle_bindings.node(_ZN9Statement7ExecuteERKN2v820FunctionCallbackInfoINS0_5ValueEEE+0x23a)[0x7f10ab5a353a] node(_ZN2v88internal25FunctionCallbackArguments4CallEPFvRKNS_20FunctionCallbackInfoINS_5ValueEEEE+0x9c)[0x77139c] node[0x790a28] [0x3c4219c0634e] ======= Memory map: ======== `...