strongloop / strong-oracle

Deprecated: Node.js Driver for Oracle databases (Use instead)
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segfault after garbage collection #70

Open vschoettke opened 8 years ago

vschoettke commented 8 years ago

The connection (result from oracle.connect) does not retain the oracle client so if the garbage collector (Mark-sweep) is run it will collect the client even if a connection is still open (OracleClient destructor is called) and the next call to a client function that depends on m_environment will crash.

I added a simple example for reproduction. you have to run it with node --expose-gc crash.js.

crash.js content:

var connectData = {
    host: '',
    database: 'XE',
    user: 'user',
    password: 'password'

oracle.connect(connectData, function (err, connection) {
    // var oracle2 = oracle; // will work if comment is removed
    if (err) {
        throw new Error(err);


    var execResult = connection.executeSync(
        'SELECT 1 from DUAL',
    console.log("RESULT", execResult);


If the comment-out code is reinserted oracle (OracleClient) will not be garbage collected because it's used inside the function.

FWIW: This was tested with occi and with Linux and node 4 and 6.

raymondfeng commented 8 years ago

@vschoettke Good catch. Would you like to submit a patch?