strongloop / strong-supervisor

Application supervisor that automatically adds cluster control and performance monitoring with StrongOps
66 stars 20 forks source link

update supervisor deps and get PR green in CI #207

Closed sam-github closed 7 years ago

sam-github commented 8 years ago


connected to connected to

sam-github commented 8 years ago

@slnode test please

sam-github commented 7 years ago

@slnode test please

sam-github commented 7 years ago

@slnode test please

sam-github commented 7 years ago

@rmg PTAL, this doesn't fix all issues with CI, but it is entirely improvements, I'd like to get it merged, and continue to work on another PR

sam-github commented 7 years ago

Thanks for the review.

Btw, I'm not loving the new review UI... in particular, the inability to expand the snippet to see the code before/after the lines commented on seems like it was dropped, or am I missing something?

sam-github commented 7 years ago

@rmg PTAL again

sam-github commented 7 years ago

@slnode test please

sam-github commented 7 years ago

SEGV, that's not good:

    # Subtest: test/test-runctl-heap-snapshot.js
        # Subtest: runctl heap snapshot
    # supervise /Users/jenkins/build/workspace/strong-supervisor/43548699/bin/sl-run.js with ["--cluster=0","--log","_test-22431-run.log","/Users/jenkins/build/workspace/strong-supervisor/43548699/test/module-app/index.js"]
            # Subtest: (unnamed test)
            ok 1 - should be equal
            ok 2 - expect truthy value
        ok 1 - (unnamed test) # time=1608.858ms

            # Subtest: set-size 1
            ok 1 - should be equal
        ok 2 - set-size 1 # time=448.508ms

            # Subtest: status
            ok 1 - should be equal
            ok 2 - expect truthy value
        ok 3 - status # time=501.567ms

            # Subtest: status
            ok 1 - should be equal
            ok 2 - expect truthy value
        ok 4 - status # time=487.203ms

            # Subtest: heap-snapshot 0
            ok 1 - should be equal
            ok 2 - expect truthy value
        ok 5 - heap-snapshot 0 # time=15901.867ms

            # Subtest: heap-snapshot 1
            ok 1 - should be equal
            ok 2 - expect truthy value
        ok 6 - heap-snapshot 1 # time=24114.731ms

            # Subtest: heap-snapshot 1 foo-1475188735660
            ok 1 - should be equal
            ok 2 - expect truthy value
        ok 7 - heap-snapshot 1 foo-1475188735660 # time=20375.992ms

            # Subtest: heap-snapshot 1 /does/not/exist
            ok 1 - should not be equal
            ok 2 - expect truthy value
        ok 8 - heap-snapshot 1 /does/not/exist # time=20467.025ms

            # Subtest: stop
            ok 1 - should be equal
        ok 9 - stop # time=306.565ms

        not ok 10 - should be equal
          found: SIGSEGV
          wanted: 0
          compare: ===
            line: 19
            column: 7
            file: test/runctl-setup.js
            type: ChildProcess
          stack: |
            ChildProcess.<anonymous> (test/runctl-setup.js:19:7)
        # failed 1 of 10 tests
    not ok 1 - runctl heap snapshot # time=84413.134ms
      timeout: 300000
        line: 21
        column: 5
        file: test/test-runctl-heap-snapshot.js
          start: 1
          end: 10
        count: 10
        pass: 9
        ok: false
        fail: 1
        time: 84413.134

    # failed 1 of 1 tests
    # time=84460.417ms
sam-github commented 7 years ago

node 4, windows: tests failing, and possibly worse, sub-process may not be killed:

  # Subtest: test/test-run-express-records.js
Thu, 29 Sep 2016 20:42:46 GMT strong-supervisor:test spawn: args=["D:\\workspace\\strong-supervisor\\b88abec9\\bin\\sl-run.js","--no-timestamp-workers","--no-timestamp-supervisor","--cluster=1","--no-control","D:\\workspace\\strong-supervisor\\b88abec9\\test\\express-app\\server.js"]
        # Subtest: express-metrics are forwarded via parentCtl
Thu, 29 Sep 2016 20:42:46 GMT strong-control-channel:process:5452 parent 5452 attaching to child 3216
    # no `D:\workspace\strong-supervisor\b88abec9\test\express-app\runctl` to cleanup: Error: ENOENT, no such file or directory 'D:\workspace\strong-supervisor\b88abec9\test\express-app\runctl'
Thu, 29 Sep 2016 20:42:46 GMT strong-supervisor:debugger Cannot load strong-debugger: Cannot find module 'strong-debugger'
[09/29/16 20:42:46] INFO: Node Application Metrics (Agent Core 3.0.9)
[09/29/16 20:42:46] INFO: Connecting to broker localhost:1883
    pid:3216 worker:0 INFO supervisor starting (pid 3216)
Thu, 29 Sep 2016 20:42:46 GMT strong-control-channel:cluster:0 attaching to cluster in pid 3216
    pid:3216 worker:0 INFO supervisor reporting metrics to `internal:`
Thu, 29 Sep 2016 20:42:46 GMT strong-supervisor:runctl Cannot load strong-debugger:  Cannot find module 'strong-debugger/package.json'
    pid:3216 worker:0 INFO supervisor size set to 1
Thu, 29 Sep 2016 20:42:46 GMT strong-supervisor:runctl runctl connect: <process channel>
Thu, 29 Sep 2016 20:42:46 GMT strong-control-channel:process:3216 child 3216 attaching to parent
Thu, 29 Sep 2016 20:42:46 GMT strong-supervisor:metrics syslog optional dep not present
Thu, 29 Sep 2016 20:42:46 GMT strong-supervisor:watcher watchers: cpu-profile.js,express-records.js,status-wd.js,trace-object.js
Thu, 29 Sep 2016 20:42:46 GMT strong-control-channel:process:5452 protocol notification #0 {"cmd":"fork","wid":1,"pid":3452,"ppid":3216,"pst":1475181766790}
Thu, 29 Sep 2016 20:42:46 GMT strong-supervisor:start-command resolving CWD: "D:\\workspace\\strong-supervisor\\b88abec9", path: "D:\\workspace\\strong-supervisor\\b88abec9\\test\\express-app\\server.js"
Thu, 29 Sep 2016 20:42:46 GMT strong-supervisor:metrics metrics endpoints: ["internal:"]
Thu, 29 Sep 2016 20:42:46 GMT strong-statsd statsd config: {"debug":false,"flushInterval":2000,"dumpMessages":false,"backends":["./backends/internal"],"internal":{}}
Thu, 29 Sep 2016 20:42:46 GMT strong-statsd:server loading backend: ./backends/internal
Thu, 29 Sep 2016 20:42:46 GMT strong-statsd:server backends checked: undefined
Thu, 29 Sep 2016 20:42:46 GMT strong-supervisor:test received: cmd fork: {"cmd":"fork","wid":1,"pid":3452,"ppid":3216,"pst":1475181766790}
Thu, 29 Sep 2016 20:42:46 GMT strong-statsd:server starting server: ./servers/ipc
Thu, 29 Sep 2016 20:42:46 GMT strong-statsd:ipc starting
Thu, 29 Sep 2016 20:42:46 GMT strong-control-channel:process:5452 protocol notification #1 {"master":{"pid":3216,"setSize":1,"startTime":1475181766427,"pst":1475181766427},"workers":[{"id":"1","pid":3452,"uptime":1,"startTime":1475181766790}],"appName":"express-app","agentVersion":"1.0.13","debuggerVersion":"n...
Thu, 29 Sep 2016 20:42:46 GMT strong-supervisor:test received: cmd status: {"master":{"pid":3216,"setSize":1,"startTime":1475181766427,"pst":1475181766427},"workers":[{"id":"1","pid":3452,"uptime":1,"startTime":1475181766790}],"appName":"express-app","agentVersion":"1.0.13","debuggerVersion":"n/a","nodeVersion":"v0.10.46","osVersion":{"platform":"win32","arch":"x64","release":"6.3.9600"},"cmd":"status"}
Thu, 29 Sep 2016 20:42:46 GMT strong-control-channel:process:5452 protocol notification #2 {"wid":0,"cmd":"started","pid":3216,"ppid":0,"pst":1475181766427,"appName":"express-app","agentVersion":"1.0.13","debuggerVersion":"n/a","nodeVersion":"v0.10.46","osVersion":{"platform":"win32","arch":"x64","release":"6....
Thu, 29 Sep 2016 20:42:46 GMT strong-supervisor:test received: cmd started: {"wid":0,"cmd":"started","pid":3216,"ppid":0,"pst":1475181766427,"appName":"express-app","agentVersion":"1.0.13","debuggerVersion":"n/a","nodeVersion":"v0.10.46","osVersion":{"platform":"win32","arch":"x64","release":"6.3.9600"},"setSize":1}
Thu, 29 Sep 2016 20:42:46 GMT strong-supervisor:watcher:master:cpu-profile init: master? true
Thu, 29 Sep 2016 20:42:46 GMT strong-supervisor:watcher:master:cpu-profile listen on "cpu:profile-data"
Thu, 29 Sep 2016 20:42:46 GMT strong-supervisor:watcher:master:express-records init: master? false
Thu, 29 Sep 2016 20:42:46 GMT strong-supervisor:watcher:master:status-wd init: master? true
Thu, 29 Sep 2016 20:42:46 GMT strong-supervisor:watcher:master:status-wd listen on "status:wd"
Thu, 29 Sep 2016 20:42:46 GMT strong-supervisor:watcher:master:trace-object init: master? false
Thu, 29 Sep 2016 20:42:46 GMT strong-supervisor:config cluster-control size: 1
Thu, 29 Sep 2016 20:42:46 GMT strong-cluster-control:master start {"throttleDelay":2000,"terminateTimeout":5000,"shutdownTimeout":5000,"size":1} cb? undefined
Thu, 29 Sep 2016 20:42:46 GMT strong-cluster-control:master set size to 1 from NaN
Thu, 29 Sep 2016 20:42:46 GMT strong-cluster-control:master resize to 1 from 0 (apparent size 1)
Thu, 29 Sep 2016 20:42:46 GMT strong-statsd:ipc watching worker 1
Thu, 29 Sep 2016 20:42:46 GMT strong-cluster-control:master on worker 1 fork
Thu, 29 Sep 2016 20:42:46 GMT strong-supervisor:runctl fork
Thu, 29 Sep 2016 20:42:46 GMT strong-supervisor:runctl notify: ipcctl? true {"cmd":"fork","wid":1,"pid":3452,"ppid":3216,"pst":1475181766790}
Thu, 29 Sep 2016 20:42:46 GMT strong-control-channel:process:3216 dst parent notify {"cmd":"fork","wid":1,"pid":3452,"ppid":3216,"pst":1475181766790}
Thu, 29 Sep 2016 20:42:46 GMT strong-cluster-control:master status: {"master":{"pid":3216,"setSize":1,"startTime":1475181766427},"workers":[{"id":"1","pid":3452,"uptime":1,"startTime":1475181766790}]}
Thu, 29 Sep 2016 20:42:46 GMT strong-supervisor:runctl notify: ipcctl? true {"master":{"pid":3216,"setSize":1,"startTime":1475181766427,"pst":1475181766427},"workers":[{"id":"1","pid":3452,"uptime...
Thu, 29 Sep 2016 20:42:46 GMT strong-control-channel:process:3216 dst parent notify {"master":{"pid":3216,"setSize":1,"startTime":1475181766427,"pst":1475181766427},"workers":[{"id":"1","pid":3452,"uptime":1,"startTime":1475181766790}],"appName":"express-app","agentVersion":"1.0.13","debuggerVersion":"n...
Thu, 29 Sep 2016 20:42:46 GMT strong-supervisor:runctl notify: ipcctl? true {"wid":0,"cmd":"started","pid":3216,"ppid":0,"pst":1475181766427,"appName":"express-app","agentVersion":"1.0.13","debugg...
Thu, 29 Sep 2016 20:42:46 GMT strong-control-channel:process:3216 dst parent notify {"wid":0,"cmd":"started","pid":3216,"ppid":0,"pst":1475181766427,"appName":"express-app","agentVersion":"1.0.13","debuggerVersion":"n/a","nodeVersion":"v0.10.46","osVersion":{"platform":"win32","arch":"x64","release":"6....
Thu, 29 Sep 2016 20:42:46 GMT strong-cluster-control:master worker 1 online
    pid:3216 worker:0 INFO supervisor started worker 1 (pid 3452)
Thu, 29 Sep 2016 20:42:46 GMT strong-cluster-control:master resize to 1 from 1 (apparent size 1)
    pid:3216 worker:0 INFO supervisor resized to 1
Thu, 29 Sep 2016 20:42:46 GMT strong-cluster-control:master worker count resized to 1
    pid:3452 worker:1 Thu, 29 Sep 2016 20:42:47 GMT strong-supervisor:debugger Cannot load strong-debugger: Cannot find module 'strong-debugger'
    pid:3452 worker:1 [09/29/16 20:42:47] INFO: Node Application Metrics (Agent Core 3.0.9)
    pid:3452 worker:1 [09/29/16 20:42:47] INFO: Connecting to broker localhost:1883
Thu, 29 Sep 2016 20:42:47 GMT strong-supervisor:adapter eventLoopData: {"count":0,"minimum":0,"maximum":0,"average":0}
Thu, 29 Sep 2016 20:42:47 GMT strong-supervisor:adapter cpuData: {"system":0,"user":0,"total":0,"count":0}
Thu, 29 Sep 2016 20:42:47 GMT strong-supervisor:watcher emit "status:wd": {"cmd":"status:wd","pwd":"D:\\workspace\\strong-supervisor\\b88abec9\\test\\express-app","cwd":"D:\\workspace\\strong-su...
Thu, 29 Sep 2016 20:42:47 GMT strong-supervisor:watcher:master:status-wd notify {"cmd":"status:wd","pwd":"D:\\workspace\\strong-supervisor\\b88abec9\\test\\express-app","cwd":"D:\\workspace\\strong-su...
Thu, 29 Sep 2016 20:42:47 GMT strong-control-channel:process:5452 protocol notification #3 {"cmd":"status:wd","pwd":"D:\\workspace\\strong-supervisor\\b88abec9\\test\\express-app","cwd":"D:\\workspace\\strong-supervisor\\b88abec9\\test\\express-app","pid":3452,"isTracing":false,"appName":"express-app","pst":14...
    pid:3452 worker:1 Thu, 29 Sep 2016 20:42:47 GMT strong-control-channel:cluster:1 attaching to cluster in pid 3452
Thu, 29 Sep 2016 20:42:47 GMT strong-supervisor:runctl notify: ipcctl? true {"cmd":"status:wd","pwd":"D:\\workspace\\strong-supervisor\\b88abec9\\test\\express-app","cwd":"D:\\workspace\\strong-su...
Thu, 29 Sep 2016 20:42:47 GMT strong-supervisor:test received: cmd status:wd: {"cmd":"status:wd","pwd":"D:\\workspace\\strong-supervisor\\b88abec9\\test\\express-app","cwd":"D:\\workspace\\strong-supervisor\\b88abec9\\test\\express-app","pid":3452,"isTracing":false,"appName":"express-app","pst":1475181766790,"wid":1}
Thu, 29 Sep 2016 20:42:47 GMT strong-control-channel:process:3216 dst parent notify {"cmd":"status:wd","pwd":"D:\\workspace\\strong-supervisor\\b88abec9\\test\\express-app","cwd":"D:\\workspace\\strong-supervisor\\b88abec9\\test\\express-app","pid":3452,"isTracing":false,"appName":"express-app","pst":14...
    pid:3452 worker:1 express-app listening on http://localhost:50233
Thu, 29 Sep 2016 20:42:47 GMT strong-supervisor:runctl listening
    pid:3452 worker:1 Thu, 29 Sep 2016 20:42:47 GMT strong-supervisor:runctl Cannot load strong-debugger:  Cannot find module 'strong-debugger/package.json'
Thu, 29 Sep 2016 20:42:47 GMT strong-control-channel:process:5452 protocol notification #4 {"cmd":"listening","wid":1,"pid":3452,"pst":1475181766790,"address":{"address":"","port":50233,"addressType":4}}
Thu, 29 Sep 2016 20:42:47 GMT strong-supervisor:runctl notify: ipcctl? true {"cmd":"listening","wid":1,"pid":3452,"pst":1475181766790,"address":{"address":"","port":50233,"addressType":4}}
    pid:3452 worker:1 Thu, 29 Sep 2016 20:42:47 GMT strong-supervisor:metrics syslog optional dep not present
Thu, 29 Sep 2016 20:42:47 GMT strong-control-channel:process:3216 dst parent notify {"cmd":"listening","wid":1,"pid":3452,"pst":1475181766790,"address":{"address":"","port":50233,"addressType":4}}
    pid:3452 worker:1 Thu, 29 Sep 2016 20:42:47 GMT strong-supervisor:watcher watchers: cpu-profile.js,express-records.js,status-wd.js,trace-object.js
    pid:3452 worker:1 Thu, 29 Sep 2016 20:42:47 GMT strong-supervisor:metrics metrics endpoints: ["internal-statsd:"]
    pid:3452 worker:1 Thu, 29 Sep 2016 20:42:47 GMT strong-supervisor:watcher:worker:cpu-profile init
    pid:3452 worker:1 Thu, 29 Sep 2016 20:42:47 GMT strong-supervisor:watcher:worker:express-records init
    pid:3452 worker:1 Thu, 29 Sep 2016 20:42:47 GMT strong-supervisor:watcher:worker:status-wd init
    pid:3452 worker:1 Thu, 29 Sep 2016 20:42:47 GMT strong-supervisor:watcher:worker:trace-object init
Thu, 29 Sep 2016 20:42:47 GMT strong-supervisor:test received: cmd listening: {"cmd":"listening","wid":1,"pid":3452,"pst":1475181766790,"address":{"address":"","port":50233,"addressType":4}}
    pid:3452 worker:1 Thu, 29 Sep 2016 20:42:47 GMT strong-supervisor:watcher:worker:trace-object tracing is disabled
    pid:3452 worker:1 Thu, 29 Sep 2016 20:42:47 GMT strong-express-metrics Adding an observer
    pid:3452 worker:1 Thu, 29 Sep 2016 20:42:47 GMT express:application set "x-powered-by" to true
    pid:3452 worker:1 Thu, 29 Sep 2016 20:42:47 GMT express:application set "etag" to 'weak'
    pid:3452 worker:1 Thu, 29 Sep 2016 20:42:47 GMT express:application set "etag fn" to [Function: wetag]
    pid:3452 worker:1 Thu, 29 Sep 2016 20:42:47 GMT express:application set "env" to 'test'
    pid:3452 worker:1 Thu, 29 Sep 2016 20:42:47 GMT express:application set "query parser" to 'extended'
    pid:3452 worker:1 Thu, 29 Sep 2016 20:42:47 GMT express:application set "query parser fn" to [Function: parseExtendedQueryString]
    pid:3452 worker:1 Thu, 29 Sep 2016 20:42:47 GMT express:application set "subdomain offset" to 2
    pid:3452 worker:1 Thu, 29 Sep 2016 20:42:47 GMT express:application set "trust proxy" to false
    pid:3452 worker:1 Thu, 29 Sep 2016 20:42:47 GMT express:application set "trust proxy fn" to [Function: trustNone]
    pid:3452 worker:1 Thu, 29 Sep 2016 20:42:47 GMT express:application booting in test mode
    pid:3452 worker:1 Thu, 29 Sep 2016 20:42:47 GMT express:application set "view" to [Function: View]
    pid:3452 worker:1 Thu, 29 Sep 2016 20:42:47 GMT express:application set "views" to 'D:\\workspace\\strong-supervisor\\b88abec9\\test\\express-app\\views'
    pid:3452 worker:1 Thu, 29 Sep 2016 20:42:47 GMT express:application set "jsonp callback name" to 'callback'
    pid:3452 worker:1 Thu, 29 Sep 2016 20:42:47 GMT express:router use / query
    pid:3452 worker:1 Thu, 29 Sep 2016 20:42:47 GMT express:router:layer new /
    pid:3452 worker:1 Thu, 29 Sep 2016 20:42:47 GMT express:router use / expressInit
    pid:3452 worker:1 Thu, 29 Sep 2016 20:42:47 GMT express:router:layer new /
    pid:3452 worker:1 Thu, 29 Sep 2016 20:42:47 GMT express:router use / statistics
    pid:3452 worker:1 Thu, 29 Sep 2016 20:42:47 GMT express:router:layer new /
    pid:3452 worker:1 Thu, 29 Sep 2016 20:42:47 GMT express:application set "port" to 0
    pid:3452 worker:1 Thu, 29 Sep 2016 20:42:47 GMT express:router:route new /
    pid:3452 worker:1 Thu, 29 Sep 2016 20:42:47 GMT express:router:layer new /
    pid:3452 worker:1 Thu, 29 Sep 2016 20:42:47 GMT express:router:route get /
    pid:3452 worker:1 Thu, 29 Sep 2016 20:42:47 GMT express:router:layer new /
    pid:3452 worker:1 Thu, 29 Sep 2016 20:42:47 GMT strong-supervisor:watcher:worker:status-wd emit {"cmd":"status:wd","pwd":"D:\\workspace\\strong-supervisor\\b88abec9\\test\\express-app","cwd":"D:\\workspace\\strong-su...
        not ok 1 - Error: connect EADDRNOTAVAIL
            line: 905
            column: 11
            file: net.js
            function: errnoException
          stack: |
            errnoException (net.js:905:11)
            Object.afterConnect [as oncomplete] (net.js:896:19)
          code: EADDRNOTAVAIL
          errno: EADDRNOTAVAIL
          syscall: connect
          test: express-metrics are forwarded via parentCtl
          message: 'Error: connect EADDRNOTAVAIL'
        not ok 2 - missing test
        not ok 3 - missing test
        not ok 4 - missing test
        not ok 5 - missing test
        not ok 6 - missing test
        not ok 7 - missing test
        # failed 7 of 7 tests
    not ok 1 - express-metrics are forwarded via parentCtl # time=1120.863ms
        line: 13
        column: 5
        file: test/test-run-express-records.js
          start: 1
          end: 7
        count: 7
        pass: 0
        ok: false
        fail: 7
        time: 1120.863
      source: |
        tap.test('express-metrics are forwarded via parentCtl', function(t) {

    not ok 2 - Error: socket hang up
        line: 1528
        column: 15
        file: http.js
        function: createHangUpError
      stack: |
        createHangUpError (http.js:1528:15)
        Socket.socketCloseListener (http.js:1578:23)
        TCP.close (net.js:466:12)
      code: ECONNRESET
      test: TAP
      message: 'Error: socket hang up'
    # failed 2 of 2 tests
    # time=1135.108ms
Thu, 29 Sep 2016 20:42:47 GMT strong-supervisor:adapter eventLoopData: {"count":0,"minimum":null,"maximum":null,"average":0}
Thu, 29 Sep 2016 20:42:47 GMT strong-supervisor:adapter cpuData: {"system":0,"user":0,"total":0,"count":0}
    pid:3452 worker:1 Thu, 29 Sep 2016 20:42:47 GMT strong-supervisor:adapter eventLoopData: {"count":0,"minimum":0,"maximum":0,"average":0}
Thu, 29 Sep 2016 20:42:47 GMT strong-statsd:ipc worker 1 reported "express-app.WIN-TEDH40PP891.1.http.connection.count:0|c"
    pid:3452 worker:1 Thu, 29 Sep 2016 20:42:47 GMT strong-supervisor:adapter cpuData: {"system":0,"user":0,"total":0,"count":0}
    pid:3452 worker:1 Thu, 29 Sep 2016 20:42:47 GMT strong-statsd:ipc worker 1 reporting "express-app.WIN-TEDH40PP891.1.http.connection.count:0|c"
Thu, 29 Sep 2016 20:42:48 GMT strong-supervisor:adapter eventLoopData: {"count":0,"minimum":null,"maximum":null,"average":0}
Thu, 29 Sep 2016 20:42:48 GMT strong-supervisor:adapter cpuData: {"system":0,"user":0,"total":0,"count":0}
    pid:3452 worker:1 Thu, 29 Sep 2016 20:42:48 GMT strong-supervisor:adapter eventLoopData: {"count":0,"minimum":null,"maximum":null,"average":0}
Thu, 29 Sep 2016 20:42:48 GMT strong-statsd:ipc worker 1 reported "express-app.WIN-TEDH40PP891.1.http.connection.count:0|c"
    pid:3452 worker:1 Thu, 29 Sep 2016 20:42:48 GMT strong-supervisor:adapter cpuData: {"system":0,"user":0,"total":0,"count":0}
    pid:3452 worker:1 Thu, 29 Sep 2016 20:42:48 GMT strong-statsd:ipc worker 1 reporting "express-app.WIN-TEDH40PP891.1.http.connection.count:0|c"
Thu, 29 Sep 2016 20:42:48 GMT strong-statsd:server flush at 1475181769: {"counters":{"statsd.bad_lines_seen":0,"statsd.packets_received":5,"express-app.WIN-TEDH40PP891.0.http.connection.count":0,"express-app.WIN-TEDH40PP891.1.http.connection.count":0},"gauges":{},"timers":{},"timer_counters":{},"sets":{},"counter_rates":{},"timer_data":{},"pctThreshold":[90]}
Thu, 29 Sep 2016 20:42:48 GMT strong-control-channel:process:5452 protocol notification #5 {"cmd":"metrics","metrics":{"processes":{"0":{"counters":{"http.connection.count":0},"timers":{},"gauges":{},"wid":"0","pid":3216,"pst":1475181766427},"1":{"counters":{"http.connection.count":0},"timers":{},"gauges":{},"...
Thu, 29 Sep 2016 20:42:48 GMT strong-supervisor:test received: cmd metrics: {"cmd":"metrics","metrics":{"processes":{"0":{"counters":{"http.connection.count":0},"timers":{},"gauges":{},"wid":"0","pid":3216,"pst":1475181766427},"1":{"counters":{"http.connection.count":0},"timers":{},"gauges":{},"wid":"1","pid":3452,"pst":1475181766790}},"timestamp":1475181769000}}
Thu, 29 Sep 2016 20:42:48 GMT strong-supervisor:metrics received: {"processes":{"0":{"counters":{"http.connection.count":0},"timers":{},"gauges":{}},"1":{"counters":{"http.connection.count":0},"timers":{},"gauges":{}}},"timestamp":1475181769000}
Thu, 29 Sep 2016 20:42:48 GMT strong-supervisor:runctl notify: ipcctl? true {"cmd":"metrics","metrics":{"processes":{"0":{"counters":{"http.connection.count":0},"timers":{},"gauges":{},"wid":"0","...
Thu, 29 Sep 2016 20:42:48 GMT strong-control-channel:process:3216 dst parent notify {"cmd":"metrics","metrics":{"processes":{"0":{"counters":{"http.connection.count":0},"timers":{},"gauges":{},"wid":"0","pid":3216,"pst":1475181766427},"1":{"counters":{"http.connection.count":0},"timers":{},"gauges":{},"...
Thu, 29 Sep 2016 20:42:48 GMT strong-supervisor:adapter eventLoopData: {"count":0,"minimum":null,"maximum":null,"average":0}
Thu, 29 Sep 2016 20:42:48 GMT strong-supervisor:adapter cpuData: {"system":0,"user":0,"total":0,"count":0}
    pid:3452 worker:1 Thu, 29 Sep 2016 20:42:48 GMT strong-supervisor:adapter eventLoopData: {"count":0,"minimum":null,"maximum":null,"average":0}
sam-github commented 7 years ago

@rmg this is passing on everything but v0.10 for windows. Is it possible to remove that one platform? Given time-scale for Windows support, and v0.10 LTS window, I don't think we will ever care enough to fix that.

sam-github commented 7 years ago

SEGV! Ouch. npm@3, node@4.5.0

% node test/test-run-trace.js
TAP version 13
    # Subtest: traces are forwarded via parentCtl
# no `/home/sam/w/sn/strong-supervisor/test/express-app/runctl` to cleanup: Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory, unlink '/home/sam/w/sn/strong-supervisor/test/express-ap
[Mon Oct  3 11:24:05 2016] INFO: Node Application Metrics (Agent Core 3.0.9)
[Mon Oct  3 11:24:05 2016] INFO: Connecting to broker localhost:1883
pid:22227 worker:0 INFO supervisor starting (pid 22227)
pid:22227 worker:0 INFO supervisor reporting metrics to `internal:`
pid:22227 worker:0 INFO supervisor size set to 1
pid:22227 worker:0 INFO supervisor started worker 1 (pid 22241)
pid:22227 worker:0 INFO supervisor resized to 1
pid:22241 worker:1 [Mon Oct  3 11:24:06 2016] INFO: Node Application Metrics (Agent Core 3.0.9)
pid:22241 worker:1 [Mon Oct  3 11:24:06 2016] INFO: Connecting to broker localhost:1883
pid:22241 worker:1 express-app listening on http://localhost:34192
pid:22241 worker:1 ## agent:tracing is licensed from 2014-11-18T01:29:15.229Z to 2525-01-01T00:00:00.000Z.
    ok 1 - Record version should exist
    ok 2 - Record metadata should exist
ok 1 - traces are forwarded via parentCtl # time=1148.616ms

    # Subtest: traces can be turned on
# no `/home/sam/w/sn/strong-supervisor/test/express-app/runctl` to cleanup: Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory, unlink '/home/sam/w/sn/strong-supervisor/test/express-ap
pid:22227 worker:0 WARN received SIGTERM, shutting down
sam-github commented 7 years ago

Cannot repro above after reinstalling deps.