strothj / react-docgen-typescript-loader

Webpack loader to generate docgen information from Typescript React components.
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There is a bug when my filename is "switch" #102

Open vnues opened 4 years ago

vnues commented 4 years ago


This is my React component

import React, { FC, useState, useEffect, CSSProperties } from 'react'
import classNames from 'classnames'
import { getPrefixCls } from '@util'

const prefixCls = getPrefixCls('switch')

export type SwitchSize = 'small' | 'defaut' export type SwitchChangeEventHandler = ( checked: boolean, event: React.MouseEvent, ) => void export type SwitchClickEventHandler = SwitchChangeEventHandler

export interface SwitchProps extends Omit<React.HTMLAttributes, 'onChange' | 'onClick'> { / 开关大小 */ size?: SwitchSize /* Switch 器类名 / className?: string / 指定当前是否选中 */ checked?: boolean / 初始是否选中 */ defaultChecked?: boolean title?: string /* 是否禁用 / disabled?: boolean / 变化时回调函数 */ onChange?: SwitchChangeEventHandler /* 点击时回调函数 / onClick?: SwitchClickEventHandler style?: CSSProperties } const fixControlledValue = (value: boolean | undefined): boolean => { if (typeof value === 'undefined' || value === null) { return false } return value }

export const Switch: FC = (props: SwitchProps) => { const { className, size, disabled, checked, onClick, onChange, defaultChecked, ...restProps } = props const [checkedState, setCheckState] = useState(fixControlledValue(defaultChecked)) const classes = classNames(prefixCls, className, {

[`${prefixCls}-checked`]: checkedState,
[`${prefixCls}-disabled`]: disabled,


useEffect(() => { if (typeof checked !== 'undefined' && checked !== null) { setCheckState(checked) } }, [checked])

const handleClick = (e: React.MouseEvent) => { setCheckState(!checkedState) onClick?.(!checked, e) onChange?.(!checked, e) } return ( <button {...restProps} type="button" className={classes} disabled={disabled} role="switch" aria-checked={checkedState} onClick={handleClick}

<div className={${prefixCls}-handle} /> ) }

Switch.displayName = 'Switch'

Switch.defaultProps = { disabled: false, } export default Switch

> my docs
import { Meta, Story, Props, Preview } from '@storybook/addon-docs/blocks'
import Switch from '../Switch'
import '../style/index.less'

  title="组件|Switch "

> 开关选择器。

## 何时使用

- 需要表示开关状态/两种状态之间的切换时;

- 和 `checkbox`的区别是,切换 `switch `会直接触发状态改变,而 `checkbox` 一般用于状态标记,需要和提交操作配合

## 基本

  <Story name="基本">
    <div className="doc-wrapper">
      <Switch /> 

## 不可用

  <Story name="不可用">
    <div className="doc-wrapper">
      <Switch disabled checked /> 

## 两种大小

  <Story name="两种大小">
    <div className="doc-wrapper">
      <Switch checked /> 
      <Switch size={'small'} checked  /> 

## API

<Story name="API" />

<Props of={Switch} />
gcornut commented 3 years ago

This bug seems to be reproducible with every reserved words in JS contained in a file name. I got the same error with a file named default.tsx

TaeKimJR commented 3 years ago

Whew, I thought I was the only one! This was tripping me up all day. I'm glad someone realized it was based off reserved words!

Here's my example to help:


Screen Shot 2020-08-12 at 2 46 34 PM


Screen Shot 2020-08-12 at 2 42 40 PM

Error Output:

Screen Shot 2020-08-12 at 2 47 58 PM