strothj / react-docgen-typescript-loader

Webpack loader to generate docgen information from Typescript React components.
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Styled Components #20

Open PaulieScanlon opened 5 years ago

PaulieScanlon commented 5 years ago

Hey, i think this is more a question and am happy to close this issue if so but... i am using React-Emotion and Typescript and am using Storybook to document props.

Example Button

interface IButton {
  buttonColour?: string;
  fontColour?: string;
export const Button = styled.button<IButton>({label: "button", ...})

The prop table in Storybook details my x2 props from the interface but also all the standard html/csspropTypes including about 50 aria ones.

Is there a setting other than listing every single one to exclude i can use so i only see the props from my interface?

Thanks in advance!

strothj commented 5 years ago


I've merged in a change from, thanks @rkostrzewski, which adds support for providing a function to filter props.

We're hoping to see merged in so that we gain access to the component's filename and interface in the filtering function.

teddybradford commented 5 years ago

What is the best way to filter out inherited HTML element props using the propFilter loader option?

rkostrzewski commented 5 years ago

@teddybradford I've used following configuration entry to achieve this:

  loader: require.resolve('react-docgen-typescript-loader'),
  options: {
    propFilter: (prop) => {
        if (prop.parent == null) {
          return true;

        // Filter out props which type definition is placed in react package
        return prop.parent.fileName.indexOf('node_modules/@types/react') < 0;

Do note that this won't work if you're using sth like webpack's thread-loader for multi threading as the options are converted to JSON to send to another node process

teddybradford commented 5 years ago

Thanks, @rkostrzewski!

gmukul01 commented 5 years ago

@rkostrzewski I used your solution but still, 'ref' prop is coming. Could you please help for the same.

property propType required default description
variant "solid" | "outlined" | "flat" yes - Variant of the Button
fullWidth boolean - - Fullwidth
ref ((instance: HTMLButtonElement) => void) | RefObject - -