structure7 / waterLeakSensor

Adding an ESP8266 to a kit water sensor and stuff.
MIT License
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Local connectivity thoughts #5

Open structure7 opened 7 years ago

structure7 commented 7 years ago

Was thinking wired, but for the same reason I like the sensors on battery, I really don't want to run a bunch of wires! So:

433MHz units? 2.4GHz NRF24L01 Wireless Transceivers?

structure7 commented 7 years ago

Do I need to call out to Blynk first? Maybe I have a local master device (say on When a remote ESP wakes up, it makes an HTTP POST/GET to 0.123, then hits up Blynk. The master device and wireless router will both be on battery backup. Should take some failure out of the equation.

Some reading on POST: