structurizr / ui

UI code for Structurizr Lite, on-premises, and cloud service.
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Lazy-eager rendering of the thumbnails #65

Closed OlegKunitsyn closed 1 month ago

OlegKunitsyn commented 2 months ago


Now Structurizr uses lazy rendering of the thumbnails demonstrating white boxes after startup. There should a config parameter which toggles lazy-eager rendering. In lazy mode, Liveness and Readiness Probes are the same. In eager mode, Readiness Probe is shown after rendering of the thumbnails. Then, deployments in Kubernetes will rollout new versions without white boxes.


I have no budget and there's no rush, please add this feature for free

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simonbrowndotje commented 2 months ago

The thumbnails are only created when the diagrams are rendered, which is why it seems they are rendered lazily. Feel free to submit an idea for a PR if you have a way to improve this.