Closed BurtGummer closed 8 years ago
Hi @BurtGummer,
this is because contacts are saved on a user-session level in your browser. As soon as you log out from ownCloud or switch your browser, your contacts are "lost".
We are working on an integration with the NC/oC contacts so your contacts will remain, even if you log in from another browser / log out then log back in again.
Well if you sign-in again with the same browser the contacts should be there again, unless the local storage data was removed. There are addons preventing persistent storage - make sure you do not have such an addon enabled.
Hi @BurtGummer,
were you able to find out why your Contacts got deleted after logging out?
I have try it with different windows 7 machines, with different browsers (chrome, firefox, vivaldi), but the contacts always lost. there are no addons like "History Wipe" or else installed. I cant say much more.. sorry :/
Hi @BurtGummer,
I tried to reproduce the issue:
Can you please try to follow these steps? Did you do something differently?
Also please check the Local Storage of your browser. Here’s how to access it (in Chrome):
What do you see there? Does anything change after logging out / back in again?
I try it again, now it works. I think, because we test with many different PC's, everytime we use a new browser - thats the problem. We think its saved in the user-settings on the server, not in the browser. Sorry and thanks for your time and work!
I login to nextcloud and change to the I add a contact with klicking the star:
The contact accept my request. Now i have this contact in my contact-list. If i logout and login to nextcloud, there are no contacts in my contact-list:
Maybe a bug?