Hi bro, i have issue with audio, i deactivate AdBlock extension in chrome, video is perfect, each 15 sec is not shutdown call, but audio is blocked,
root@cloud:~# ufw status verbose
Status: active
Logging: on (medium)
Default: deny (incoming), allow (outgoing), deny (routed)
New profiles: skip
To Action From
-- ------ ----
80/tcp ALLOW IN Anywhere
443/tcp ALLOW IN Anywhere
22/tcp ALLOW IN Anywhere
8443/tcp ALLOW IN Anywhere
8443/udp ALLOW IN Anywhere
3478/tcp ALLOW IN Anywhere
3478/udp ALLOW IN Anywhere
49152:65535/tcp ALLOW IN Anywhere
49152:65535/udp ALLOW IN Anywhere
19999/tcp ALLOW IN Anywhere
What need to review more?
This setting in spreed app working perfect in wifi, cable office network (audio and video)
Hi bro, i have issue with audio, i deactivate AdBlock extension in chrome, video is perfect, each 15 sec is not shutdown call, but audio is blocked,
What need to review more?
This setting in spreed app working perfect in wifi, cable office network (audio and video)
But with spreedme:
This coturn setup
And stil have problems for audio in office network
Can you may be help me?
ufw.log turn_2017-09-25.log