strukturart /

Open Street Map app - KaiOS
MIT License
81 stars 14 forks source link

openstreetmaps and opentopomaps not loading on device and simulator in 1.9.2 #49

Closed juhench closed 1 year ago

juhench commented 1 year ago

Hi! I have noticed that this fantastic app (thanks a lot!) no longer loads the openstreetmap and opentopomap tiles both in the KaiOS simulator and physical devices. The only tiles that work are those from the satellite map. I have tried two devices: Nokia 8000 4G and E242s. Could it be that the URLs have changed? Strangely enough, I can load the tiles already cached on the installed older version 1.8.0. is it possible that the URL has changed for those two map sources? Kind regards, JH.

strukturart commented 1 year ago

when I make a request, I get a 418 status, which unfortunately means that the app was blocked ->

strukturart commented 1 year ago

As an alternative, I have put together a few layers for you that work. create a file: omap_maps.json and copy the content into it and then copy the file to your sdcard of your phone. The next time you load you will have new cards to choose from in the menu. for the trace map you have to add an api key in the url, you can get the key here


    "name": "Hiking",
    "type": "overlayer",
    "url": "{z}/{x}/{y}.png",
    "attribution": "",
    "maxzoom": 18

    "name": "Google Satelite",
    "type": "map",
    "url": "{x}&y={y}&z={z}",
    "attribution": "Google",
    "maxzoom": 18

    "name": "trace",
    "type": "map",
    "url": "{z}/{x}/{y}.png?key=1234",
    "attribution": "tracestack",
    "maxzoom": 18

    "name": "Google Hybrid",
    "type": "map",
    "url": "{x}&y={y}&z={z}",
    "attribution": "",
    "maxzoom": 18

    "name": "Cycling",
    "type": "overlayer",
    "url": "{z}/{x}/{y}.png",
    "attribution": "",
    "maxzoom": 18

    "name": "climbing",
    "type": "overpass",
    "url": "sport=climbing",
    "attribution": "Overpass",
    "maxzoom": 18

    "name": "water",
    "type": "overpass",
    "url": "amenity=drinking_water",
    "attribution": "Overpass",
    "maxzoom": 18
juhench commented 1 year ago

Thank you so much for this! I was just about to try creating something like this. I will report back a.s.a.p. Fantastic piece of software.

juhench commented 1 year ago

It works! Thank you so much! I did not even need to move the file from the downloads directory. Confirmed to work on the E242S.

juhench commented 1 year ago

Closing this issue.

strukturart commented 1 year ago

looks like opentopomap is working again.