stryker-mutator / azure-devops-mutationreport-publisher

Azure Devops extension to publish and display the mutation testing report in the build result
Apache License 2.0
11 stars 6 forks source link

Report does not load in Azure Dev Ops #37

Closed whatisthejava closed 4 years ago

whatisthejava commented 4 years ago

Hi, followed the instructions as outlined on the blog and installed the plug in but my build is reporting 0 artifacts

Have a run stryker task


This works and logs as expected

Second task steps:

The publish tasks completes without error but no artifact is created and no extra tab displays. Do i also need to publish this artifact as a final step


rouke-broersma commented 4 years ago

Do you use a (multi-stage) YAML pipeline? If so I have noticed the same thing #32

And no, you shouldn't need to publish the report as an artifact.

robertlarkins commented 4 years ago

I'm getting the same thing in Azure DevOps when using dotnet core 3.1 with dotnet-stryker installed as local tool in the test project. This is my yaml code:

  - script: dotnet tool restore
    workingDirectory: 'tests/domain/Company.Product.Domain.Tests.Unit'
    displayName: 'Install dotnet tools for Stryker.CLI'

  - script: dotnet tool run dotnet-stryker -tr dotnettest -r "['cleartext', 'html', 'progress']" --solution-path "../../../Company.Product.sln"
    workingDirectory: 'tests/domain/Company.Product.Domain.Tests.Unit'
    displayName: 'Run Stryker on solution'

  - task: PublishMutationReport@0
      reportPattern: '$(Build.SourcesDirectory)/tests/domain/Company.Product.Domain.Tests.Unit/StrykerOutput/*/reports/mutation-report.html'

This is a single job pipeline so isn't multi-stage.

rouke-broersma commented 4 years ago

@whatisthejava @robertlarkins

A new version is released soon which should fix this problem