stryker-mutator / stryker-js

Mutation testing for JavaScript and friends
Apache License 2.0
2.55k stars 242 forks source link

export before class decorator breaks stryker #4879

Open Rubenvdbrink opened 2 weeks ago

Rubenvdbrink commented 2 weeks ago

Summary When i use export before any class decorator notation stryker will throw errors.

Does work

@Pipe({ name: 'contactName', standalone: true })
export class ContactNamePipe implements PipeTransform {
    transform(value: Contact) : string {
        return `${value.firstName} ${value.surname}`;

this does not work

export @Pipe({ name: 'contactName', standalone: true })
class ContactNamePipe implements PipeTransform {
    transform(value: Contact) : string {
        return `${value.firstName} ${value.surname}`;

Stryker config

  "$schema": "./node_modules/@stryker-mutator/core/schema/stryker-schema.json",
  "_comment": "This config was generated using 'stryker init'. Please see the guide for more information:",
  "mutate": [
  "testRunner": "karma",
  "karma": {
    "configFile": "karma.conf.js",
    "projectType": "angular-cli",
    "config": {
      "browsers": [
  "reporters": [
  "concurrency": 10,
  "concurrency_comment": "Recommended to use about half of your available cores when running stryker with angular",
  "coverageAnalysis": "perTest"

Test runner config

// Karma configuration file, see link for more information //

module.exports = function (config) { config.set({ basePath: '', frameworks: ['jasmine', '@angular-devkit/build-angular'], plugins: [ require('karma-jasmine'), require('karma-chrome-launcher'), require('karma-jasmine-html-reporter'), require('karma-coverage'), require('@angular-devkit/build-angular/plugins/karma') ], client: { jasmine: { // you can add configuration options for Jasmine here // the possible options are listed at // for example, you can disable the random execution with random: false // or set a specific seed with seed: 4321 }, clearContext: false // leave Jasmine Spec Runner output visible in browser }, jasmineHtmlReporter: { suppressAll: true // removes the duplicated traces }, coverageReporter: { dir: require('path').join(__dirname, './coverage/date-picker'), subdir: '.', reporters: [ { type: 'html' }, { type: 'text-summary' } ] }, reporters: ['progress', 'kjhtml'], browsers: ['Chrome'], restartOnFileChange: true }); };

Stryker environment


Test runner environment

# stryker run

Your Environment

software version(s)
node v20.14.0
npm v10.2.5
Operating System windows 11 enterprise 10.0.22621

Add stryker.log

11:47:52 (2912) DEBUG ConfigReader Loading config from stryker.config.json
11:47:52 (2912) DEBUG ConfigReader Loaded config: {
  "$schema": "./node_modules/@stryker-mutator/core/schema/stryker-schema.json",
  "_comment": "This config was generated using 'stryker init'. Please see the guide for more information:",
  "mutate": [
  "testRunner": "karma",
  "karma": {
    "configFile": "karma.conf.js",
    "projectType": "angular-cli",
    "config": {
      "browsers": [
  "reporters": [
  "concurrency": 10,
  "concurrency_comment": "Recommended to use about half of your available cores when running stryker with angular",
  "coverageAnalysis": "perTest",
  "fileLogLevel": "trace",
  "allowConsoleColors": true,
  "checkers": [],
  "checkerNodeArgs": [],
  "commandRunner": {
    "command": "npm test"
  "clearTextReporter": {
    "allowColor": true,
    "allowEmojis": false,
    "logTests": true,
    "maxTestsToLog": 3,
    "reportTests": true,
    "reportMutants": true,
    "reportScoreTable": true
  "dashboard": {
    "baseUrl": "",
    "reportType": "full"
  "dryRunOnly": false,
  "eventReporter": {
    "baseDir": "reports/mutation/events"
  "ignorePatterns": [],
  "ignoreStatic": false,
  "incremental": false,
  "incrementalFile": "reports/stryker-incremental.json",
  "force": false,
  "inPlace": false,
  "logLevel": "info",
  "maxConcurrentTestRunners": 9007199254740991,
  "maxTestRunnerReuse": 0,
  "mutator": {
    "plugins": null,
    "excludedMutations": []
  "plugins": [
  "appendPlugins": [],
  "htmlReporter": {
    "fileName": "reports/mutation/mutation.html"
  "jsonReporter": {
    "fileName": "reports/mutation/mutation.json"
  "disableTypeChecks": true,
  "symlinkNodeModules": true,
  "tempDirName": ".stryker-tmp",
  "cleanTempDir": true,
  "testRunnerNodeArgs": [],
  "thresholds": {
    "high": 80,
    "low": 60,
    "break": null
  "timeoutFactor": 1.5,
  "timeoutMS": 5000,
  "dryRunTimeoutMinutes": 5,
  "tsconfigFile": "tsconfig.json",
  "warnings": true,
  "disableBail": false,
  "allowEmpty": false,
  "ignorers": []
11:47:52 (2912) DEBUG PluginLoader Loading @stryker-mutator/* from C:\Users\..\date-picker\node_modules\@stryker-mutator
11:47:52 (2912) DEBUG PluginLoader Loading plugin "@stryker-mutator/karma-runner" (matched with expression @stryker-mutator/*)
11:47:52 (2912) DEBUG PluginLoader Loading plugin @stryker-mutator/karma-runner
11:47:52 (2912) DEBUG PluginLoader Loading plugin file:///C:/Users/../date-picker/node_modules/@stryker-mutator/core/dist/src/reporters/index.js
11:47:52 (2912) DEBUG MetaSchemaBuilder Contributing 1 schemas from plugins to options validation.
11:47:52 (2912) WARN ProjectReader Glob pattern "!src/test.ts" did not exclude any files.
11:47:52 (2912) INFO ProjectReader Found 9 of 318 file(s) to be mutated.
11:47:52 (2912) DEBUG ProjectReader All input files: [
11:47:52 (2912) DEBUG ProjectReader Files to mutate: [
11:47:52 (2912) DEBUG TemporaryDirectory Using temp directory "C:\Users\...\date-picker\.stryker-tmp"
11:47:52 (2912) DEBUG Instrumenter Instrumenting 9 source files with mutants
11:47:52 (2912) DEBUG Instrumenter Instrumented src\app\app.component.ts (8 mutant(s))
11:47:52 (2912) DEBUG Instrumenter Instrumented src\app\app.config.ts (4 mutant(s))
11:47:52 (2912) DEBUG Instrumenter Instrumented src\app\app.routes.ts (1 mutant(s))
11:47:52 (2912) DEBUG Instrumenter Instrumented src\app\contact-list\contact-list.component.ts (9 mutant(s))
11:47:52 (2912) DEBUG Stryker Not removing the temp dir because an error occurred
11:47:52 (2912) ERROR Stryker Unexpected error occurred while running Stryker SyntaxError: C:\Users\...\date-picker\src\app\contact-name\contact-name.pipe.ts: Unexpected token, expected "{" (4:7)
  reasonCode: 'UnexpectedToken',
  loc: Position { line: 4, column: 7, index: 109 },
  pos: 109
11:47:52 (2912) INFO Stryker This might be a known problem with a solution documented in our troubleshooting guide.
11:47:52 (2912) INFO Stryker You can find it at