stryker-mutator / stryker-net

Mutation testing for .NET core and .NET framework!
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KeyNotFoundException when starting stryker #2717

Closed actionthomas closed 11 months ago

actionthomas commented 11 months ago

Describe the bug At initialization, stryker populates a dictionary of projects, all attached to a .csproj file. When the filesystem is case insensitive, the file name on disk and the one in the sln/csproj can be different, leading the exception.


❯ dotnet stryker

   _____ _              _               _   _ ______ _______  
  / ____| |            | |             | \ | |  ____|__   __| 
 | (___ | |_ _ __ _   _| | _____ _ __  |  \| | |__     | |    
  \___ \| __| '__| | | | |/ / _ \ '__| | . ` |  __|    | |    
  ____) | |_| |  | |_| |   <  __/ |    | |\  | |____   | |    
 |_____/ \__|_|   \__, |_|\_\___|_| (_)|_| \_|______|  |_|    
                   __/ |                                      

Version: 3.10.0

[18:26:58 INF] Analysis starting.
[18:26:59 INF] Identifying projects to mutate in C:\Git\<redacted>.sln. This can take a while.
[18:27:55 INF] Found 29 source projects
[18:27:55 INF] Found 6 test projects
[18:27:55 INF] Analysis complete.
[18:27:55 INF] Time Elapsed 00:00:56.4337834
Unhandled exception. System.Collections.Generic.KeyNotFoundException: The given key 'C:\Git\<redacted>.Interfaces.csproj' was not present in the dictionary.
   at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2.get_Item(TKey key)
   at Stryker.Core.Initialisation.InputFileResolver.FindDependentProjects(IReadOnlyCollection`1 projectsUnderTest) in /_/src/Stryker.Core/Stryker.Core/Initialisation/InputFileResolver.cs:line 101
   at Stryker.Core.Initialisation.InputFileResolver.ResolveSourceProjectInfos(StrykerOptions options) in /_/src/Stryker.Core/Stryker.Core/Initialisation/InputFileResolver.cs:line 81
   at Stryker.Core.Initialisation.InitialisationProcess.GetMutableProjectsInfo(StrykerOptions options) in /_/src/Stryker.Core/Stryker.Core/Initialisation/InitialisationProcess.cs:line 58
   at Stryker.Core.Initialisation.ProjectOrchestrator.MutateProjects(StrykerOptions options, IReporter reporters, ITestRunner runner)+MoveNext() in /_/src/Stryker.Core/Stryker.Core/Initialisation/ProjectOrchestrator.cs:line 50
   at System.Collections.Generic.List`1..ctor(IEnumerable`1 collection)
   at System.Linq.Enumerable.ToList[TSource](IEnumerable`1 source)
   at Stryker.Core.StrykerRunner.RunMutationTest(IStrykerInputs inputs, ILoggerFactory loggerFactory, IProjectOrchestrator projectOrchestrator) in /_/src/Stryker.Core/Stryker.Core/StrykerRunner.cs:line 61
   at Stryker.CLI.StrykerCli.RunStryker(IStrykerInputs inputs) in /_/src/Stryker.CLI/Stryker.CLI/StrykerCLI.cs:line 93
   at Stryker.CLI.StrykerCli.<>c__DisplayClass10_0.<Run>b__0() in /_/src/Stryker.CLI/Stryker.CLI/StrykerCLI.cs:line 68
   at McMaster.Extensions.CommandLineUtils.CommandLineApplication.<>c__DisplayClass143_0.<OnExecute>b__0(CancellationToken _)
   at McMaster.Extensions.CommandLineUtils.CommandLineApplication.ExecuteAsync(String[] args, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
   at McMaster.Extensions.CommandLineUtils.CommandLineApplication.Execute(String[] args)
   at Stryker.CLI.StrykerCli.Run(String[] args) in /_/src/Stryker.CLI/Stryker.CLI/StrykerCLI.cs:line 74
   at Stryker.CLI.Program.Main(String[] args) in /_/src/Stryker.CLI/Stryker.CLI/Program.cs:line 14

(Sorry, I can't provide a full log because of the filenames)

Expected behavior Stryker should not crash :)

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Additional context I'm willing to help and make a PR if you want me to :)