Closed tanyagorn closed 1 month ago
Hi! Thanks for opening this issue. I think this issue might be related to Java versions.
I can reproduce this issue by running Stryker with extra debug logging on the linked project with JDK 17, and see this in the output:
[debug] testrunner 13337: Test unsuccessful: users.controllers.UserUpdateTest status Error with OptionalThrowable(java.lang.IllegalAccessError: class com.typesafe.sslconfig.ssl.FakeKeyStore$KeystoreSettings$ (in unnamed module @0x5274766b) cannot access class (in module java.base) because module java.base does not export to unnamed module @0x5274766b)
[debug] testrunner 13337: Fatal exception reported by testrunner. Re-throwing java.lang.IllegalAccessError: class com.typesafe.sslconfig.ssl.FakeKeyStore$KeystoreSettings$ (in unnamed module @0x5274766b) cannot access class (in module java.base) because module java.base does not export to unnamed module @0x5274766b
[debug] testrunner 13337: Exception in thread "main" java.lang.IllegalAccessError: class com.typesafe.sslconfig.ssl.FakeKeyStore$KeystoreSettings$ (in unnamed module @0x5274766b) cannot access class (in module java.base) because module java.base does not export to unnamed module @0x5274766b
[debug] testrunner 13337: at com.typesafe.sslconfig.ssl.FakeKeyStore$KeystoreSettings$.<clinit>(FakeKeyStore.scala:55)
[debug] testrunner 13337: at com.typesafe.sslconfig.ssl.FakeKeyStore$.generateKeyStore(FakeKeyStore.scala:71)
[debug] testrunner 13337: at play.core.server.SelfSigned$.x$1$lzycompute(SelfSigned.scala:23)
[debug] testrunner 13337: at play.core.server.SelfSigned$.x$1(SelfSigned.scala:22)
[debug] testrunner 13337: at play.core.server.SelfSigned$.sslContext$lzycompute(SelfSigned.scala:22)
This looks related to some outdated libraries that don't properly work with the latest JDK. When I use JDK 11 or 8 Stryker4s runs fine without any errors. What JDK are you trying to run Stryker4s with? And is it possible there are other versions of your JDK installed that might be picked up?
If this doesn't sound like your issue, could you try adding debug { log-test-runner-stdout: true }
to your stryker4s.conf
and calling Stryker4s with debug logging by running sbt set stryker / logLevel := Level.Debug; stryker
and seeing what extra logs you get?
Lastly, I think we can also improve on error logging with this. Because like you said NoSuchElementException: None.get
is not very useful at all
I use JDK 8 on Stryker4s run, and it still give me errors. Enable debug as your suggestion helps me find unsuccessful tests. However, how could they be unsuccessful tests? All tests in the project are fine when I run sbt test.
It just doesn't feel right when I need to exclude unsuccessful tests out while running Stryker. The accuracy of mutation test result won't be correct, since the tests actually exist and some of mutants could have been killed by them.
Definitely, as many tests as possible should run under Stryker4s. Could you provide any information about the test error message? That might help in finding the issue
@hugo-vrijswijk I am also getting the same error in some of the modules after upgrading from 0.13.1 to 0.41.1:
[error] java.util.NoSuchElementException: None.get
[error] at scala.None$.get(Option.scala:529)
[error] at scala.None$.get(Option.scala:527)
[error] at stryker4s.sbt.runner.SocketTestRunnerConnection.$anonfun$sendMessage$5(TestRunnerConnection.scala:22)
[error] at unsafeRunSync @ stryker4s.sbt.Stryker4sMain$.$anonfun$strykerTask$1(Stryker4sMain.scala:55)
[error] at joinWithNever @ stryker4s.sbt.runner.SocketTestRunnerConnection.$anonfun$skipCancel$1(TestRunnerConnection.scala:31)
[error] at flatMap @ stryker4s.sbt.runner.SocketTestRunnerConnection.skipCancel(TestRunnerConnection.scala:31)
[error] at map @ stryker4s.sbt.runner.SocketTestRunnerConnection.sendMessage(TestRunnerConnection.scala:22)
[error] at map @ stryker4s.sbt.runner.SocketTestRunnerConnection.sendMessage(TestRunnerConnection.scala:23)
[error] at flatTap @ stryker4s.mutants.Mutator.mutate(Mutator.scala:37)
[error] at unsafeRunSync @ stryker4s.sbt.Stryker4sMain$.$anonfun$strykerTask$1(Stryker4sMain.scala:55)
[error] at joinWithNever @ stryker4s.sbt.runner.SocketTestRunnerConnection.$anonfun$skipCancel$1(TestRunnerConnection.scala:31)
[error] at flatMap @ stryker4s.sbt.runner.SocketTestRunnerConnection.skipCancel(TestRunnerConnection.scala:31)
[error] at apply @ stryker4s.sbt.runner.SocketTestRunnerConnection.sendMessage(TestRunnerConnection.scala:19)
[error] (stryker) java.util.NoSuchElementException: None.get
[error] Total time: 16 s, completed Jan 5, 2022 4:59:07 PM
Didn't seem to get unsuccessful test even by putting log in conf file. PS. I was not getting this issue with v0.13.1
@hugo-vrijswijk Any suggestions on this one?
@hugo-vrijswijk I also got this but with scalapb. Is version 14 compatible with Scala Protocol Buffer from com.thesamet.scalapb:lenses_2.12:0.9.8?
JDK: java version "11.0.13" 2021-10-19 LTS
[debug] testrunner 13338: Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: scalapb.Message
[debug] testrunner 13338: at java.base/jdk.internal.loader.BuiltinClassLoader.loadClass(
[debug] testrunner 13338: at java.base/jdk.internal.loader.ClassLoaders$AppClassLoader.loadClass(
[debug] testrunner 13338: at java.base/java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(
[debug] testrunner 13338: ... 49 more
[debug] Closing test-runner on port 13338
[debug] Closing test-runner on port 13337
[error] java.util.NoSuchElementException: None.get
[error] at scala.None$.get(Option.scala:529)
[error] at scala.None$.get(Option.scala:527)
[error] at stryker4s.sbt.runner.SocketTestRunnerConnection.$anonfun$sendMessage$5(TestRunnerConnection.scala:22)
[error] at unsafeRunSync @ stryker4s.sbt.Stryker4sMain$.$anonfun$strykerTask$1(Stryker4sMain.scala:55)
[error] at joinWithNever @ fs2.Stream$NestedStreamOps$.$anonfun$parJoin$44(Stream.scala:4054)
[error] at flatMap @ stryker4s.sbt.runner.SocketTestRunnerConnection.skipCancel(TestRunnerConnection.scala:31)
[error] at map @ stryker4s.sbt.runner.SocketTestRunnerConnection.sendMessage(TestRunnerConnection.scala:22)
[error] at map @ stryker4s.sbt.runner.SocketTestRunnerConnection.sendMessage(TestRunnerConnection.scala:23)
[error] at flatTap @ stryker4s.mutants.Mutator.mutate(Mutator.scala:37)
[error] at unsafeRunSync @ stryker4s.sbt.Stryker4sMain$.$anonfun$strykerTask$1(Stryker4sMain.scala:55)
[error] at joinWithNever @ fs2.Stream$NestedStreamOps$.$anonfun$parJoin$44(Stream.scala:4054)
[error] at flatMap @ stryker4s.sbt.runner.SocketTestRunnerConnection.skipCancel(TestRunnerConnection.scala:31)
[error] at apply @ stryker4s.sbt.runner.SocketTestRunnerConnection.sendMessage(TestRunnerConnection.scala:19)
[error] (stryker) java.util.NoSuchElementException: None.get
OK I got the answer from now.
@ayush9999-qa sorry for the delayed response, if you're able to add test-runner log output to this issue it is easier for me to debug. Otherwise, I'm not sure if I can help as I wasn't able to really debug the provided repo.
Almost all of my projects cannot upgrade Stryker version to 0.14.x, they still remain as 0.13.1 due to receiving
and run last stryker didn't give me more clue though
You can check this example repo to try it out ->
Stryker4s config
Stryker4s environment
Your Environment