stschiff / sequenceTools

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fails to build in Stackage Nightly #32

Closed juhp closed 1 year ago

juhp commented 1 year ago
       Building executable 'pileupCaller' for sequenceTools-1.5.2..                                                      [11/193279]
       [1 of 1] Compiling Main                                    

rc-executables/pileupCaller.hs:321:59: error:                                                                                       
           • Couldn't match type ‘EigenstratIndEntry’                                                                               
                            with ‘SequenceFormats.Plink.PlinkFamEntry’                                                              
             Expected: FilePath                                                                                                                            -> FilePath           
                       -> FilePath                                
                       -> [SequenceFormats.Plink.PlinkFamEntry]   
                       -> Pipes.Core.Consumer                     
                            (EigenstratSnpEntry, SequenceFormats.Eigenstrat.GenoLine) m ()                                          
               Actual: FilePath
                       -> FilePath
                       -> FilePath
                       -> [EigenstratIndEntry]
                       -> Pipes.Core.Consumer
                            (EigenstratSnpEntry, SequenceFormats.Eigenstrat.GenoLine) m ()
           • In the expression: writeEigenstrat
             In the expression:
               if formatIsPlink then writePlink else writeEigenstrat
             In an equation for ‘writeFunc’:
                 writeFunc = if formatIsPlink then writePlink else writeEigenstrat
       321 |     let writeFunc = if formatIsPlink then writePlink else writeEigenstrat
           |                                                           ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

rc-executables/pileupCaller.hs:325:49: error:
           • Couldn't match type ‘EigenstratIndEntry’
                            with ‘SequenceFormats.Plink.PlinkFamEntry’
             Expected: [SequenceFormats.Plink.PlinkFamEntry]
               Actual: [EigenstratIndEntry]
           • In the fourth argument of ‘writeFunc’, namely ‘indEntries’
             In the second argument of ‘(>->)’, namely
               ‘writeFunc genoOut snpOut indOut indEntries’
             In the second argument of ‘($)’, namely
               ‘freqSumProducer >-> filterTransitions transitionsMode
                  >-> (freqSumToEigenstrat diploidizeCall)
                  >-> writeFunc genoOut snpOut indOut indEntries’
       325 |                 writeFunc genoOut snpOut indOut indEntries
           |                                                 ^^^^^^^^^^
stschiff commented 1 year ago

Thank you. I'll take a look!

stschiff commented 1 year ago

This has been fixed in sequenceTools- Shall I do something to get it enabled again, @juhp?

juhp commented 1 year ago

Fastest way would be to open a stackage PR 👍🏻🙂

alaendle commented 1 year ago

@stschiff - Think you could just close this issue (or if you want to be 100% sure wait for the next Stackage Nightly and verify that this package is included).

stschiff commented 1 year ago

Thank you @alaendle. I must admit that I think now that packages that provide executables are not too useful in hackage and stackage anyway, in contrast to libraries. But anyway. Glad to be back in.