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Multiple population names #34

Closed TCLamnidis closed 4 months ago

TCLamnidis commented 6 months ago

A small quality of life suggestion: allowing users to specify the population of each sample from the CLI.

Currently, users can either get the default Population label (Unknown), or specify a single population label for all the individuals. It would be nice addition if users could provide a comma separated list of population labels (same length and order as --sampleNames), to be used as the population of the respective samples.


pileupCaller \
    -f 1240K_covered_in_JK2067_downsampled_s0.1.numeric_chromosomes.snp \
    --randomHaploid  -e my_dataset \
    --sampleNames Sample_1,Sample2,Sample3/
    --samplePopName Pop1,Pop2,Pop3

To get an output ind like:

 Sample1    U    Pop1
 Sample2    U    Pop2
 Sample3    U    Pop3
stschiff commented 5 months ago

I agree. Put on my Todo list!

stschiff commented 4 months ago

fixed in v1.5.4.0