You are using substitute for the replacement of the placeholder, e..g.
let l:Execute_command = l:actions[l:action]['execute']
if type(l:Execute_command) == v:t_string
let l:Execute_command = substitute(l:Execute_command, '{git}', g:fzf_checkout_git_bin, 'g')
let l:Execute_command = substitute(l:Execute_command, '{cwd}', fzf_checkout#get_cwd(), 'g')
let l:Execute_command = substitute(l:Execute_command, '{branch}', l:branch, 'g')
let l:Execute_command = substitute(l:Execute_command, '{tag}', l:branch, 'g')
let l:Execute_command = substitute(l:Execute_command, '{input}', l:input, 'g')
execute l:Execute_command
elseif type(l:Execute_command) == v:t_func
call l:Execute_command(g:fzf_checkout_git_bin, l:branch, l:input)
Lets assume you are on a Linux machine in a directory
/some/where/dir with 'quote
then fnameescape will:
When the 'shell' contains powershell (MS-Windows) or pwsh
(MS-Windows, Linux, and MacOS) then it will enclose {string}
in single quotes and will double up all internal single
On MS-Windows, when 'shellslash' is not set, it will enclose
{string} in double quotes and double all double quotes within
Otherwise it will enclose {string} in single quotes and
replace all "'" with "'\''".
so you'll get
'/some/where/dir with '\''quote'
from your fzf_checkout#get_cwd() and its but as replacement part in substitute() but in this part the backslash has a special meaning (e.g. for matches). Here you need to double all \ at least.
This is more brutal on Windows because the path mostly consists of c:\some\where, which is also fixed the same way.
It need to be done for all the vales replaced by substitute if they are plain text.
Now we've a second problem on windows, if shellslash is not set (mostly it isnt) and we are not on powershell/pwsh (mostly we aren't) the doublequotes create wrong VIML code:
if you use
!git -C {cwd} checkout {branch}
everything is fine, it becomes
!git -C "c:\some\where" ...
but if you use it as part of a string (like the default):
echo system("git -C {cwd} checkout {branch}")
everything is fine, it becomes
system("git -C "c:\some\where" checkout .... ")
The enclosing doublequotes kill the starting string for system.
Also using doubles quotes in system("") means you'll need to double the backslashes once more (also on linux).
A solution for this part maybe a copy for the placeholder for
Hi there,
thanx for this plugin.
You are using substitute for the replacement of the placeholder, e..g.
Lets assume you are on a Linux machine in a directory
then fnameescape will:
so you'll get
from your
and its but as replacement part insubstitute()
but in this part the backslash has a special meaning (e.g. for matches). Here you need to double all\
at least.This is more brutal on Windows because the path mostly consists of
, which is also fixed the same way.It need to be done for all the vales replaced by substitute if they are plain text.
Now we've a second problem on windows, if shellslash is not set (mostly it isnt) and we are not on powershell/pwsh (mostly we aren't) the doublequotes create wrong VIML code:
if you use
!git -C {cwd} checkout {branch}
everything is fine, it becomes
!git -C "c:\some\where" ...
but if you use it as part of a string (like the default):
echo system("git -C {cwd} checkout {branch}")
everything is fine, it becomes
system("git -C "c:\some\where" checkout .... ")
The enclosing doublequotes kill the starting string for system.
Also using doubles quotes in
means you'll need to double the backslashes once more (also on linux).A solution for this part maybe a copy for the placeholder for
Just an idea.