ststeiger / PdfSharpCore

Port of the PdfSharp library to .NET Core - largely removed GDI+ (only missing GetFontData - which can be replaced with freetype2)
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Unexpected token 'Gulim' in PDF stream. #279

Open dellos opened 2 years ago

dellos commented 2 years ago

the Error was

image image

        PdfDocument newPdf = new PdfDocument();

        foreach (string pdf in pdfFilePaths)
            PdfDocument importPdf = PdfReader.Open(pdf, PdfDocumentOpenMode.Import); //this line will raise error

            foreach (var pdfPage in importPdf.Pages)



I cheked and All Pdf files created can open successfully Note: same code run in other computer will not raise error!!! Is there a change that PC setting effect the library ?

dellos commented 2 years ago

In Parse.cs pdfObject = ReadDictionary(dict, includeReferences);// some time was rise error