stuart / elixir-webdriver

WebDriver client for Elixir.
MIT License
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Hex'ify deps too #27

Closed wkhere closed 10 years ago

wkhere commented 10 years ago


Just discovered your code via Hex main page, looks pretty cool! :D

Now you registered it on Hex but for some reason without version number - I bet something broke during your publishing.

[EDIT] Saw your post on elixir-talk on publishing problems, so changing a bit focus of this issue

Your deps refer to non-Hex deps which will give, well, headaches when using your package, because this breaks dependency resolution.

As for httpotion - it's on Hex already. jsonex is not and there are several options here:

stuart commented 10 years ago

Something went wrong with pushing the project up to, I kept getting a 500 error after a while. I will try deleting he project from Hex and sending it up again.

I am planning to move dependencies to libraries that are on Hex. There seems to be a plethora of JSON libraries, I will change libraries as that should not be too hard to do. I will probably use jazz.

stuart commented 10 years ago

I got the publishing sorted. Am working to change JSON libraries, but it turns out to be a bit of work. Jazz wants everything to be maps...which is fine and will probably improve the code anyway.

wkhere commented 10 years ago

Nice :] thanks!