stuarthendren / jdt.spelling

Spelling for Java names using JDT
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Works for Groovy and Gradle ? #31

Open paulvi opened 10 years ago

paulvi commented 10 years ago

Be aware that as Groovy tools extend JDT, this plugin previous version worked for .groovy and .gradle as well.


But after upgrade to the latest beta, it does not check.

stuarthendren commented 10 years ago

That's interesting, I never realized. Do they have similar naming conventions?

What extensions do you use for Groovy and Gradle - I've not used them so don't have it set up in my eclipse?

paulvi commented 10 years ago

Yes, Groovy uses the same naming conventions. Groovy states that valid Java code is also valid Groovy code.

You need to install Groovy Eclipse and Gradle Integration For a new Gradle project enable DSL to make Groovy Editor enabled for build.gradle file

@kdvolder is creator of,
I don't know who is leading groovy-eclipse. Possibly @martinlippert

I usually install using Spring Dashboard, e.g. found within this mp entry