stuartpittaway / diyBMSv4Code

Software for diyBMS v4
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ESP8266 with 4 MB flash memory - WIFI Password issues #10

Open stuartpittaway opened 4 years ago

stuartpittaway commented 4 years ago

If you have an ESP8266 with only 4MB flash memory the controller will enter a loop when configuring the wifi setup - it appears like the password isn't stored (its not!) so the controller attempts to go into a setup loop.

The recommended ESP8266 is the D1 Mini Pro - this has 16MB Flash by default.

buy from here

To make DIYBMS work on 4MB flash - change the option in platformio.ini

build_flags = -Wl,-Tesp8266.flash.16m15m.ld


build_flags = -Wl,-Tesp8266.flash.4m1m.ld

Note that future versions of the controller code may require larger flash sizes to store other information, historic logging etc.

davidbue commented 4 years ago

Greetings from Denmark,

I have just started my journey into the diyBMS V4 and while I am waiting for my pcbs to arrive I thought that I might as well take a shot at setting up the code on a Wemos D1 mini 4MB that I had laying about.

Initially I was stuck in the boot loop but the above fixed the issue for me. Now a new issue has come up. I can setup the SSID, and upon rebooting the Wemos seem to disappear completely. It does not join my home wifi, nor does it broadcast its own.

When trying to debug I cannot get the serial communication up running, so for good measure I completely erased the flash of the wemos and uploaded the code again. Now it boots up, broadcasting its own SSID, yet still I get no output at all on the serial port. I assume it has never done so.

Any proposals on how I get output on Serial1 to function? Else it's nearly impossible for me to debug any further and provide you guys with my findings.

Cheers, David

stuartpittaway commented 4 years ago

See issue 10 in the other GitHub repo.

davidbue commented 4 years ago

Dear Stuart,

I am not certain that I understand what repo to go to for understanding this issue. I just went to the hardware diybms hardware github, but there are only 4 posts there.

Could you please point me in the right direction? :-)


stuartpittaway commented 4 years ago

Do you not yet have the controller PCB?

davidbue commented 4 years ago

I have all the hardware with the SMD's mounted from JLCPCB, and a 3.3v FTDI USB serial dongle. I managed to get it all up running tonight.

The issue was so simple:

Wrong wifi passphrase typed in at first boot made the Wemos subsequently boot up and fail to connect via wifi after which it got stuck.

The reason why that I got no data from Serial1 was (facepalm) a bad test lead.

Alas, everything on the Wemos works now. Only thing that I am missing is the ATTINY for the balance boards. It's arriving Tuesday or Wednesday after which I will be able to hopefully test the completed system.

Stuart, thank you so much for making this BMS available. I appreciate it very much.
