stuartridout / promptbuddy

Prompt Buddy is a free Microsoft Teams Power App using Dataverse for Teams. It is a space where your team can share their favourite AI prompts and upvote prompts from others. It is preloaded with Copilot categories but others can be added.
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Edit prompts and change assignements #2

Closed RossParkman closed 2 months ago

RossParkman commented 3 months ago

Is it possible to be able to edit a prompt once created (i can't see there is a way to do this in the app at present) and also it would be great to have a picker for each prompt to be able to add to a persona/dept/app when they exist.


stuartridout commented 3 months ago

Edit functionality is on the backlog but not there right now.   If you star this repo you should be notified when we make updates. 

Erithano commented 3 months ago

@RossParkman - Thaks for contributing! Until we catch up with our backlog, I suggest this workaround for now: Have an admin delete the prompt you want to edit and simply re-submit it. (Just FYI: Also on the backlog and live in internal version - users can delete their own submitted prompts)

RossParkman commented 3 months ago

Thanks - out of interest i can see that Copilot Lab looks to be getting similar prompt sharing abilities - how do you see this playing out with PromptBuddy?

Erithano commented 3 months ago

@RossParkman - We get this question a lot.

Here's a Short, Medium and Long answer depending on how detailed you want it.

Short answer

No compete - They complement each other 💗.

Medium answer

Prompt Buddy is free sample code in the form of a Power App hosted and managed exclusively by the customer (user). Customers (users) own it and can change/add/remove anything. It's their template as soon as it's downloaded. Customers (users) can add custom internal Copilots and other AI apps in their ecosystem as prompt categories.

Copilot Lab requires a copilot license and is a managed Microsoft product. It's an official Microsoft solution and is tightly integrated with Copilot. Microsoft decides on features and visuals etc.

Today, an internal prompt can be found in Prompt Buddy and then used with any Copilot or AI service. Soon, it will become possible to add/save that prompt as a bookmark in Copilot Lab.

Long answer

In collaboration with Copilot for the web

This is what we, together with Copilot for the web, have to say:

Certainly! Let’s delve into the value that Prompt Buddy offers to customers, especially when compared to Microsoft Copilot Lab:

Customization and Ownership

Prompt Buddy  Customers have the freedom to own, edit, and add features or visuals to Prompt Buddy.  This level of customization allows teams to tailor the app to their specific needs. Whether it’s adding company-specific prompts, adjusting the user interface, or incorporating branding elements, Prompt Buddy becomes a truly personalized tool.

Microsoft Copilot Lab  In contrast, the features and visuals of Copilot Lab are controlled by Microsoft.  While this ensures consistency and security, it may limit the ability to fine-tune the experience to match individual team preferences.

Licensing Flexibility

Prompt Buddy  One of the standout advantages is that Prompt Buddy can be used by anyone, regardless of their licensing status. Whether you’re a licensed Copilot for Microsoft 365 user or not, you can still benefit from Prompt Buddy’s prompt-sharing capabilities within Teams.

Microsoft Copilot Lab  To access Copilot Lab, users need a Copilot license. While this aligns with enterprise licensing models, it may exclude certain team members who don’t have dedicated Copilot licenses.

Empowering Teams and Individuals

Prompt Buddy  By allowing customization and unrestricted access, Prompt Buddy empowers both teams (through collaboration) and individual users (for personal productivity). It bridges the gap between collective knowledge and individual creativity.

Microsoft Copilot Lab  Primarily aimed at individual users, Copilot Lab provides a rich set of prompts for personal development. However, it doesn’t inherently foster team collaboration in the same way Prompt Buddy does.

Holistic AI Adoption

Prompt Buddy + Copilot Lab  When used together, Prompt Buddy and Copilot Lab create a holistic environment for AI adoption. Teams can share insights, learn from ready-made prompts, and apply them individually. It’s a win-win scenario where customization meets curated content.

In summary, Prompt Buddy’s flexibility, ownership, and inclusivity make it an excellent companion for teams and individuals. When combined with Copilot Lab, organizations can maximize the benefits of AI-driven productivity while maintaining control over their unique requirements. 🚀✨

stuartridout commented 2 months ago

You can now edit prompts in the latest version.