stuartridout / promptbuddy

Prompt Buddy is a free Microsoft Teams Power App using Dataverse for Teams. It is a space where your team can share their favourite AI prompts and upvote prompts from others. It is preloaded with Copilot categories but others can be added.
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Icons missing in prompts lists #29

Open ClaireAtAvanade opened 4 days ago

ClaireAtAvanade commented 4 days ago

When navigating into the prompts per apps Icons does not show (cf attachment) image (1) Is it missing from the pack(PromptBuddy_1_0_3_1) ? or is it due to my (poor) integration :'p Thanks in advance for your support

mncannava commented 4 days ago

Same, can confirm this happens on our install of -- new regression from prior version.

stuartridout commented 3 days ago

Let me look into this. We have a new version coming shortly.