stuartridout / teamlink

TeamLink is a free Microsoft Teams Power App using Dataverse for Teams. It is a space where your team can share there whereabouts for the week ahead directly in Microsoft Teams. Users can select who they want to 'follow' and see the upcoming presences of or can view by site to see who is planning to be on site on that day. TeamLink allows you then to message to see if the person wants to meet up for a coffee ... all from the click of a button!
MIT License
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issue when selecting work status #2

Closed abandyt closed 2 years ago

abandyt commented 2 years ago

I have TeamLink installed in our Teams environment. When I click a date to set the status, the status is updated on the date before the one I have clicked. I recorded the issue for better clarity. Please see attached video.


abandyt commented 2 years ago

Also, there does not appear to be a way to edit or delete locations once they are added. Is this something that may come with a new release?

abandyt commented 2 years ago

I also just received this error message when attempting to edit the pinned list.

teamlink error

stuartridout commented 2 years ago

Also, there does not appear to be a way to edit or delete locations once they are added. Is this something that may come with a new release?

Thanks for spotting the Delete/Edit bug. The buttons are there but are set to not be visible. Will update this now.

stuartridout commented 2 years ago

Thanks for your feedback. We have now closed this and it is updated in the latest release.