stuartridout / teamlink

TeamLink is a free Microsoft Teams Power App using Dataverse for Teams. It is a space where your team can share there whereabouts for the week ahead directly in Microsoft Teams. Users can select who they want to 'follow' and see the upcoming presences of or can view by site to see who is planning to be on site on that day. TeamLink allows you then to message to see if the person wants to meet up for a coffee ... all from the click of a button!
MIT License
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Seeing issues with Timezones offsetting dates. #46

Open Worrelpa opened 1 year ago

Worrelpa commented 1 year ago

We are on CET, as from Monday 31st October after the clocks go back the calendar gallery is offsetting the Calendar gallery back one day.

I added a label with the timezone offset to Every date is off by one from that date.


In the collection weekahead you can see that date times have been adjust to reflect UTC + 1 from October 31st after the clock change. Whereas we are on CET so UTC + 2 right now. So I think the browser is bringing back everything and adjusting the timezone -2 hour right now. That calculates the dates back to 11pm the previous day. Which offsets the gallery ites to the wrong days. On Monday it will bring back at -1 so I expect it to adjust itself then.


Worrelpa commented 1 year ago

As I expected the dates are back in line now after the time change. Still needs a long term fix for that.